Patient information A-Z
Showing 125 results for ‘Urology’
- Catheter valves: Frequently asked questions
- Circumcision
- Cystitis: Self-help information for women suffering recurrent attacks (FAQs)
- Cystoscopy and evacuation of blood clots from the bladder
- Cystoscopy and hydrodistension of the bladder
- Cystoscopy and litholapaxy (bladder stone crushing/removal)
- Cystoscopy and retrograde studies
- Cystoscopy and stent procedure
- Cystoscopy / dilatation (female)
- Cyst removal from sperm-carrying mechanism (epididymis)
- Early prostate cancer: Active surveillance for Cambridge prognostic group 1 and 2 (CPG1 and CPG2)
- Enlargement of the bladder using a segment of bowel
- Epididymis removal (of part or all)
- Erectile dysfunction: frequently asked questions
- Erectile dysfunction: Viagra, cialis or levitra treatment (FAQs)
- Extracorporeal shockwave disintegration of stones
- Kidney and ureter: Radical removal
- Kidney cancer diagnosis one-stop clinic (involving an image guided biopsy)
- Kidney: Laparoscopic partial removal - Robotic-assisted (Da Vinci)
- Kidney: Partial removal
- Kidney (radical removal): procedure specific information
- Kidney: Simple removal (procedure-specific information)
- Kidney stones, diet and lifestyle: Frequently asked questions
- Kidney stone(s): Percutaneous removal
- Laparoscopic de-roofing of simple renal cyst
- Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: Robotic-assisted (Da Vinci®)
- Laparoscopic radical removal of the kidney
- Laparoscopic radical removal of the kidney and ureter: procedure-specific information
- Laparoscopic/robotic-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty (keyhole reconstruction of the pelvis of the kidney)
- Laparoscopic simple removal of the kidney
- Laparoscopic varicocele ligation
- Laparotomy to remove a large retroperitoneal mass
- Lithotripsy frequently asked questions: Advice for after procedure
- Lower urinary tract symptoms (male): Lifestyle advice, bladder training and pelvic floor exercises ? FAQ
- One-stop Haematuria clinic (incorporating a CT scan): Frequently asked questions
- One-stop Haematuria clinic (incorporating an ultrasound scan): Frequently asked questions
- Open pyeloplasty
- Open surgical removal of lesion from urethra
- Optical urethrotomy
- Orchidopexy (bringing down of an undescended testis)
- Painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis): Cystistat bladder instillation
- Parson’s cocktail bladder instillation for painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis): procedure-specific information
- Pelvic floor exercises in men: frequently asked questions
- Pelvic floor exercises in women: Frequently asked questions
- Penile frenulum lengthening (frenuloplasty)
- Penile injury repair (including fractured penis)
- Penile straightening (Nesbit or Lue operation)
- Percutaneous biopsy of the kidney, another organ or an abnormal mass
- Percutaneous insertion of a nephrostomy tube
- Permanent suprapubic catheterisation in men: Frequently asked questions
- Permanent suprapubic catheterisation in women: Frequently asked questions
- Peyronie’s disease: frequently asked questions
- Priapism: Drainage of the penis
- Prostatectomy (robotic radical): frequently-asked questions
- Proximal Urethroplasty
- Radical removal of the bladder and fashioning of an ileal conduit (female)
- Radical removal of the bladder and fashioning of an ileal conduit (male)
- Radical removal of the bladder and formation of a bladder substitute with bowel (female)
- Radical removal of the bladder and formation of a bladder substitute with bowel (male)
- Renal - Ureteric Colic
- Retroperitoneal excision of abdominal lymph nodes (RPLND)
- Rigid cystoscopy (including biopsy if required ± stent removal)
- Robotic radical prostatectomy: pre- and post-operative information
- Sacral nerve stimulation (neuromodulation)
- Sacral nerve stimulation (test phase) - Frequently asked questions
- Self-catheterisation in female patients: Frequently asked questions
- Self-catheterisation in male patients: Frequently asked questions
- Simple removal of the testis ± silicone implant
- Simple renal cyst: Open de-roofing (Røvsing's operation)
- Stress urinary incontinence (female) treatment options
- Stress urinary incontinence - Male sling
- Suprapubic catheter insertion
- Suspected torsion of the testis: Exploration of the scrotum
- Telescopic bladder surgery recovery: Frequently asked questions
- Temporary implantable nitinol device (iTIND)
- Testicular self-examination: Frequently asked questions
- Testis: Radical removal (± silicone implant)
- Transrectal prostatic ultrasound and biopsy
- Transrectal prostatic ultrasound and prostatic massage
- Transrectal prostatic ultrasound and transperineal biopsy
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (for benign disease)
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (for cancer)
- Trial without catheter (TWOC): Frequently asked questions
- Ureteric reconstruction
- Ureter inspection / examination and biopsy
- Ureteroscopic stone removal
- Urethral catheter management: Frequently asked questions
- Urethrectomy (removal of the male urethra or water pipe)
- Urethroscopy ± biopsy/removal of a urethral lesion
- Urinary flow rate test: Frequently asked questions
- Urinary stress incontinence - sling procedure
- Urodynamics (or pressure tests on the bladder)
- Urology service: Information on what to expect when seeing a psychologist
- Urostomy discharge information