We believe the well being of women and their families come first. Our philosophy of care is grounded in the belief that each woman’s labour and birth is unique, special and a celebratory occasion.
Rosie Birth Centre - Video tour
Link: https://vimeo.com/589388281/70e7638b4d
Can I have my baby here?
Having a baby at Rosie birth centre is suitable for:
- Women who are fit and healthy and have not had any complications in this pregnancy.
- Women who go into labour between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy and want a natural birth experience.
If you are under the care of a consultant obstetrician, you may still be eligible to have your baby at the birth unit and an appointment with the consultant midwife will be made. Please discuss this at your antenatal clinic appointment.
You may also discuss any queries with your community midwife.
Facilities available
Birthing pools are available in every room. Many women gain comfort from relaxing in water during labour and often stay in the pool for the birth of their baby. Each also has its own en suite with shower and WC – Women may choose to sit on an exercise ball in the shower during labour.

There is mood lighting and music systems available to stimulate a home-like environment. Equipment such as birthing balls and slings assist help women remain upright while in active labour

Non-urgent advice: Visiting information
Contact us
Telephone: 01223 217003
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road
How to find us
The main entrance is located on Robinson Way. There are emergency drop-off points here, but people are advised to park in the patient and visitor car park opposite the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre, and walk through to the Rosie Hospital.