We want to listen to what you think of the care we provide at our hospitals because this helps us to improve our services.

We carry out patient surveys to find out what you think, as well as taking part in national surveys to help improve patient care across the NHS.

Say thank you
In our busy hospital, our dedicated staff do amazing things every day and there are many ways you are able to say thank you.

How to get involved
We believe that involving patients and carers can help us improve the services we provide.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
The PALS team work closely with staff across the Trust to resolve concerns promptly.

Make a complaint
We value your feedback and we are committed to investigating and learning from complaints.

Talk to us
If you have a question or concern please speak to your nurse, doctor or any other staff member as soon as you can so they can help straightaway.

Acting on feedback
We are committed to improving the quality of treatment and care that you receive. We regularly review the feedback given by our patients and their families and take action to make things better.