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Rosie visiting policy

Non-urgent advice: Visiting Maternity Services

  • You may always be accompanied by one support person for outpatient appointments, and throughout your stay in The Rosie (including overnight). If you are attending for a labour or birth related reason a second support person is additionally welcome to support you on delivery unit and the Rosie Birth Centre.
  • You may also have visiting from friends and family in all in-patient maternity areas (Obstetric Close Observation Unit, Sara Ward and Lady Mary Ward) between the hours of 8am - 8pm. Only two adult visitors (in addition to the support person) are allowed at any one time due to space restrictions and only siblings of the baby are to visit*.
  • Please be advised that during your admission there may be times when healthcare professionals will ask to speak to you in private away from support people/visitors.
  • Please be advised that visiting restrictions may need to be put in place at short notice.
  • Please do not visit if you are feeling unwell

*Children are able to accompany you to all outpatient appointments except:

- Ultrasound appointments

- (Clinic 24) early pregnancy unit

- (Clinic 23) triage (babies are welcomed to postnatal assessments)

If this would prevent you from being able to attend, please call the relevant department to make a personalised plan.