
Specialising in aortic aneurysms, peripheral aneurysms, carotid artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic foot, varicose veins, venous ulcers, sympathectomy.
- Mr Graeme Ambler
- Mr Jonathan Boyle
- Mr Andrew Busuttil
- Miss Maysoon Elkhawad
- Mr Manjit Gohel
- Miss Diane Hildebrand
- Mr Simon Kreckler
- Mr Tristan Lane
- Mr Nadeem Mughal
- Mr Seyed A Hosseini Navi (Ali Navi)
- Mr Chandana Wijewardena
- Mr Mohammed Chowdhury
Vascular administration team
- 01223 217246 - Karen Green, Senior Medical Secretary to Mr Jonathan Boyle, Mr Manjit Gohel, Mr Graeme Ambler
- 01223 217445 - Medical Secretary to Mr Chandana Wijewardena, Mr Simon Kreckler, Mr Tristan Lane, Miss Maysoon Elkhawad
- 01223 348190 - Medical Secretary to Miss Diane Hildebrand, Mr Nadeem Mughal, Mr Andrew Busuttil, Mr Ali Navi
- 01223 256714 - Jacqueline Smith, Varicose Vein Coordinator for Addenbrooke’s Hospital and Ely DSU
- 01223 216992 - Kristie Bagstaff, MDT Coordinator and 18 week Pathway Tracker
Vascular specialist nurses
- Penny Shipley-Cribb
- Victoria Bristow
- Kim Brown
- Chloe Andrews - Vascular Specialist Nurse, AAA & CEA Co-ordinator
- Billy (Miranda) Carswell
- Lisa Hollins
- Lydia Allen
Telephone: 01223 348526
Clinical vascular scientists - vascular studies unit (VSU)
- Robert Elliott
Email Robert Elliott - Charlotte Taylor
- Laura Scott
- Harry Knight
- Emily Alderson
- Joanne Denton (senior medical secretary)
Telephone: 01223 348117
Vascular outpatients
Clinic 4 Reception: 01223 805000
- Shirley Sredojevic - clinic 4 co-ordinator
Telephone: 01223 254680
Vascular inpatients
Ward L2: 01223 256584
Ward L5: 01223 348908
- David Kennington - L5 acting ward manager
- Lawrence Billings - L5 ward Clerk