The hostel consists of two self contained flats on Level 3 for use by Children’s Services only. Each flat has four bedrooms and occupants share the kitchen, toilet and bathroom shower. All rooms have a colour television and phone.
The Elsworth hostel is available for patients and their parents/carers only for use before your child’s operation/procedure. Please note there are no child minding facilities available in the hostel or on the wards.
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is committed to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of all Children who attend Addenbrooke’s Hospital. All employees of the Trust are trained in Safeguarding Children and must comply with the Trust Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Parents are reminded that when in the Hostel they have a responsibility to keep their child safe at all times.

On arrival
Please report to the receptionist in Grantchester House who will issue you with your room keys for Elsworth Hostel. Keys must be returned to the Grantchester House reception by 1100 on the morning following occupation.
The reception office is open between 09:00 – 17:00 - Monday to Friday.
You should park in the main hospital car park. Prior to leaving the car park, please present evidence of your hospital stay to the customer service desk which is sited on Level 1 of the main hospital car park. You will then be entitled to a reduction in car parking fees to £4 per 24 hour period.
Sachets of tea/coffee and milk will be in your room on arrival. There are facilities available on the concourse in the main campus of the hospital for refreshments on the day of arrival.
Kitchen facilities
Electric kettle, fridge, microwave and limited crockery and cutlery will be provided. An iron and board will be available on request. Pillows and bed linen are provided and the flats are cleaned daily between 10:00 and 12:00.
Throughout their stay, parents will have access to the parent’s room on the ward to which their child is admitted. Patients and breastfeeding mothers will be entitled to meals on the ward as appropriate. Please liaise with staff with regards to timings.
If you encounter any problems with the facilities there is repair and maintenance information in each room. Should you become unwell and require immediate medical attention please dial 9-999.
The telephone in your room will take incoming calls. Full instructions are in your room. You will only be able to dial internal numbers from these phones. You are welcome to use your mobile phones in the hostel.
Useful telephone numbers
- Main hospital switchboard 01223 245151 (ext 100 or 0)
- Children’s wards:
- Ward C2: 01223 217231
- Ward C3: 01223 217450
- Ward D2: 01223 217250
- Patient flow manager 01223 348198 (office hours only)
- Security office: 6606
- Medical emergency: 9999
- Fire: 3333
The flat is strictly no smoking.
The Chaplaincy team is always available to provide pastoral care for all patients, staff or families.
Chaplains can assist families, patients and staff in coping with psychological, social and spiritual aspects of health, sickness and life issues, including death. They are also able to contact ministers from other faith groups if this is requested. Their support is confidential, non-judgmental and available to all.
The chapel (accessed via the concourse or the Rosie corridor) is always open for quiet prayer or reflection and services are held on Sundays (11:00 morning worship and Holy Communion), Mondays (12:00 catholic mass), Wednesdays (1215 midweek service) and Fridays (13:00 Muslim prayers).
The chaplains can be contacted during office hours (Monday to Friday, 09:00 until 17:00) by calling the administrator in the chaplaincy office (along the corridor to the Rosie) on 01223 217769 (internal 3769). At all other times please call the hospital switchboard and ask for the ‘on call’ chaplain.
Fire action
If you discover or suspect a fire:
- Sound the alarm at the nearest break glass point.
If you hear a fire alarm:
- Leave your room (if safe to do so) closing the doors and windows.
- Follow the fire exit signs.
- Do not use the lifts.
- Assemble outside the building, away from the entrance.
- Report any persons believed to be missing to the fire brigade on arrival.
- Use of the fire fighting equipment is discretionary, but the alarm must be sounded before attempting to fight fire.
- Having reached a place of safety, telephone internal extension 3333 to pass on information relating to the incident.
Misuse of the fire fighting equipment is a criminal offence, offenders will be prosecuted.
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
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Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998.
Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151