The Emmeline Centre is the specialist Hearing Implant Centre for East Anglia. We provide services for deaf people of all ages. We offer cochlear implants, middle ear implants, bone-anchored hearing aids and auditory brainstem implants.
This leaflet tells you more about what happens following referral for an auditory brainstem implant assessment.
What is an auditory brainstem implant?
An auditory brainstem implant (ABI) consists of two parts:
The implant is placed under the skin and into the area of the brainstem responsible for hearing (the cochlea nucleus).

The speech processor is worn behind the ear and connects to the implant via a magnet on the head.

Why have an auditory brainstem implant?
An ABI may be suggested when the hearing nerve is absent or damaged. Damage may happen in cases of acoustic tumours, or those with a medical condition known as NF2. An auditory brainstem implant aims to aid hearing by taking the sound signal directly to the brainstem, without using the hearing nerve.
The auditory brainstem implant assessment
Assessment requires several appointments with different members of the team. There is always time for you to ask questions and find out more about this kind of implant. There will also be an opportunity to contact current implant users to learn about their experience.
What if an ABI is recommended?
It is your decision whether to proceed with an auditory brainstem implant. The follow up process after surgery requires long term commitment to appointments at the Centre, particularly in the first year. Support during this time of change and adjustment is also provided.
What to expect from an auditory brainstem implant
All implant users have different experiences of sound through their implants. The degree of benefit cannot be guaranteed. An auditory brainstem implant may help with:
- Hearing sounds in the environment
- Monitoring the pitch and volume of your own voice
- Lip reading: using sound alongside lip patterns to understand speech.
Only a small proportion of ABI users can understand speech without lip-reading. Some ABI users do not get any useful sound at all.
Useful contacts
These organisations support the hearing-impaired, and offer more information about hearing implants:
British Cochlear Implant Group
Action on Hearing Loss
19-23 Featherstone Street, London, EC1Y 8SL
Telephone: 0808 808 0123
Textphone: 0808 808 9000
Action on Hearing Loss (opens in a new tab)
The Neuro Foundation
Quayside House
38 High Street
Kingston on Thames
Surrey KT1 1HL
Tel: 020 8439 1234
Fax 020 8439 1200
The Neuro Foundation (opens in a new tab)
The Emmeline Centre for Hearing Implants
Box 163, Addenbrooke's NHS Trust, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ
Telephone: 01223 217589
Fax: 01223 586735
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
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Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151