CASEE provides a regional specialist Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) aid service to children and adults with complex needs in the East of England. Hosted by Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and commissioned by NHS England, CASEE cover the counties of Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
The CASEE team is multi-disciplinary with Speech & Language Therapists, Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Healthcare Scientist, Clinical Technicians and Administrators.
Visiting the CASEE team
We see all our clients in their own homes, schools, day centres, residential centres, hospitals etc. and do not have the facilities to see clients at our Addenbrooke’s base.
If you are a professional visiting our office and are using a navigation system to find us, please use the postcode CB2 8PS. We are based in the (OH) Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing building, which is located on the Addenbrooke’s site on the corner of Long Road and Robinson Way. Please use the Long Road/Robinson Way entrance to the site to reach the OH building.

Information for patients
We provide assessment and recommendations which may include the provision of electronic voice output communication aids (VOCAs) alongside training in the use of any VOCA provided for the client, family and their local support team. We also aim to support the establishment, training and development of local AAC services and provide regular training sessions offered free of charge to professionals supporting people who use AAC (Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Teachers, Therapy Assistants, Technical Team Members, Teaching Assistants etc.).
Zoom video consultations
The CASEE team will sometimes use Zoom for a video consultation, review or training appointment. Your support team including your speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, teacher and/or family member/s can also attend via Zoom if you would like them to take part in the appointment.
Find out more about how to use Zoom for a CASEE video appointment in the document below.
We are accepting and triaging referrals as per our usual process. Access the referral form below.
Please take care to note the NHS England criteria in the flyer below.