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What happens at my screening mammography appointment?

Before your mammogram

You will be greeted by a member of staff who checks your personal details (name, age and address) are correct. Staff will also ask about any breast problems you may have had in the past. Your appointment should last no more than fifteen minutes.

In order to have your mammogram you will need to undress to the waist. You may find it easier to wear a skirt or trousers instead of a dress. Please avoid spray deodorant or talcum powder, as these can show up on your mammogram. You can use a roll-on deodorant. Please do not wear a necklace to your appointment as it will show up on your mammogram.

Your mammogram will be carried out by a female health care professional called a mammographer. They will ask you about any current breast symptoms or history of breast disease, explain what will happen when the mammogram is taken, and answer any questions about breast screening you may have. If you are happy to proceed, the mammographer will take the mammogram.

A staff member looking at a mammography machine A staff member using a computer in a breast unit van
A staff member looking at a mammography machine A staff member using a computer in a breast unit van

During your mammogram

Your breast will be placed onto the mammogram machine and carefully compressed gently by a plastic plate. This compression helps to keep your breast still and in the correct position so we can achieve diagnostic images. The compression lasts for only a few seconds and most women find it a bit uncomfortable but tolerable. You will be able to tell the mammographer how you are finding the examination and they are experienced in adapting their technique to your needs.

The mammographer, will take 2 images (x-rays) of each breast in different positions so 4 images in total. The machine will release the compression automatically after each image. You will need to stay still for several seconds during each image.

All mammograms are checked for quality by the mammographer during your appointment and are double reported by trained mammography readers. If there are any signs of change within one or both breasts, you may be recalled for further assessment.

Routine breast screening appointment walk-through


Routine breast screening appointment walk-through video transcript

00:01 - 00:03

Welcome to your routine mammogram appointment

00:03 - 00:06

with the Cambridge and Huntingdon breast screening service.

00:12 - 00:16

Upon your arrival, you will be greeted by one of our trained mammographers.

00:16 - 00:19

They will check you in by asking you some details

00:19 - 00:22

such as your date of birth and your address

00:22 - 00:25

and then they will go on to ask you some breast screening history.

00:28 - 00:31

You will then be taken through to our first changing room area.

00:35 - 00:37

We would always recommend dressing in something comfortable

00:37 - 00:40

as you will need to strip from the waist up.

00:41 - 00:43

You will then be greeted by a fellow mammographer

00:43 - 00:45

who will take you through to our mammogram machine.

00:46 - 00:50

This machine is where we produce all you breast screening images.

00:50 - 00:53

Please don't forget to ask any questions that you may have.

00:54 - 00:56

You will then be taken through to our second changing area

00:56 - 00:59

to make yourself comfortable before going home.

00:59 - 01:02

That is your routine breast screening appointment complete.

01:02 - 01:05

Thank you for attending. We will send your results out

01:05 - 01:07

within the next two weeks.

Results and care after your mammogram

After your images have been taken the mammographer will explain when and how you will get your results, and remind you of the need to be breast aware between screening appointments. You will automatically be invited for screening again in 3 years' time.