My current role
I was elected as a Patient Governor in July 2016, was re-elected in June 2019 and July 2022.
My motivation for becoming a governor was due to receiving ongoing outpatient treatment on a regular basis since 2012, I have also had many inpatient admissions since 2009.
I volunteered to become a patient governor as I believe I have valuable insight in how the outpatient and inpatient experience can be improved, with verbal/non-verbal communication at the forefront of my ideas.
I am a committee member of the CPPG (Cancer Patient Partnership Group) both as governor and patient. I am also involved with the development of the new CCRH (Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital). As well as a member of the Patient Experience Group, Feeding & Nutrition Committee and the Membership Engagement Committee, when possible I volunteer for many activities organised by the hospital including 15 Steps, PLACE, Focus Groups and one-off events in the concourse.
I am now trying to improve signage, wayfaring and access both around the hospital and the campus. To this extent, I have sponsored and raised money for a second Courtesy Bus (The Greene Get Around) for 3 years, with the ability to summon either of the buses from the bus terminal, to assist the physically challenged.
Previous history
I was self-employed from 1984, retiring in 2012 due to the limits of my medical condition. I have been a film extra, a role-player to help train junior doctors at both Addenbrooke’s and Norwich Hospitals on how to carry out minor procedures, take a medical history, break bad news and deal with difficult personal situations, as well as carrying out similar tasks for private companies. From 1984-1993 I manufactured a range of frozen vegetarian convenience meals and soups from my previous home in London. From 1984-2012 I ran a home-based secretarial service.
Personal interests
My main interests are theatre, cinema, ballet and other cultural events, as well as gardening and growing my own vegetables. I also enjoy listening to the radio whilst knitting or making tapestry cushions. I have a keen interest in what is happening in my local area.