General advice
- In this procedure the shoulder is made more stable through the joint between the collar bone and the shoulder blade.
- The following information is designed to help the healing process after your shoulder surgery.
- You must wear your sling for three weeks. However in this time period it is important you perform the following exercises four times a day.
- The exercises will help you to gently maintain range of movement in your shoulder joint and also help to relieve pain following the operation.
- The exercises will also help to maintain the range of movement in the elbow, wrist and hand of the affected arm.
- Ensure your wounds are kept clean and dry, wearing a water proof dressing in the shower until the skin is healed.
- A referral will be made to your local physiotherapy service on discharge from hospital. The physiotherapist will work with you to regain strength and movement in your shoulder.
Pain relief
To help with your treatment, it is important that you have adequate pain relief. If you are suffering high levels of pain after discharge please seek advice from your GP.
Use of ice
Ice can be used after your surgery to reduce pain and swelling. Wrap an ice pack – or a plastic bag containing ice cubes – in a tea towel to prevent direct contact with the skin, and apply to the shoulder for 20 minutes.
Do not use ice if there is any numbness in the shoulder.

Image above shows:
- With your hand in or out of your sling, close and open your hanbd. Repeat ten times.
- Gently move your hand up and down at the wrist. Repeat ten times.
- Take your arm out of the sling to exercise your elbow. Allow the arm to hang down straight by your side. Bend and straighten the elbow, supporting the operated arm with your unaffected arm. Repeat ten times.
- Bend your neck to take your left ear towards your left shoulder and right ear towards your right shoulder. Repeat five times.

Image above shows:
5: Turn to look over left shoulder and turn to look over right shoulder. Repeat five times.
6: Stand leaning on a table with your unaffected arm. Let your other arm hang relaxed straight down. Swing your arm gently forwards and backwards. Repeat ten times.
7: , leaning on a table with your unaffected arm. Let your other arm hang relaxed straight down. Gently swing your arm to your left and then to your right. Repeat ten times.
If you have any concerns following discharge from hospital, the inpatient physiotherapy team can be contacted on 01223 216104.
Please be aware that this handout is to be used as a guide. If you find these exercises painful please seek advice from your physiotherapist or doctor.
This information has been compiled by the physiotherapy team at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.
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Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
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NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151