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The Emmeline Centre for: Hearing Implants Information for parents/guardians

Patient information A-Z

Meeting with a clinical psychologist

As part of your child’s assessment for a hearing implant or ongoing support following hearing implants, you and your child may meet with a clinical psychologist.

The following leaflet is designed to provide you with information regarding what to expect in this appointment.

What is a clinical psychologist?

Clinical psychologists are health professionals trained to support people who may be experiencing difficulties with their emotional wellbeing. Clinical psychologists work in many different settings including schools, hospitals and clinics.

The clinical psychologist that you and your child will meet with specialises in working with children with hearing difficulties and health problems. Part of their role is to help young people; children and parents make decisions regarding their health and surgical procedures. Another aspect of their role is to support young people, children and parents who may be experiencing emotional and/or behavioural difficulties associated with their health needs.

What will happen in our appointment?

Your meeting with the clinical psychologist will usually take between 60 to 90 minutes. You will usually meet as a family initially; older children are often seen for part of the session on their own, if they are happy to do so.

The psychologist will ask lots of questions to find out about your child, their hearing and medical needs, development and social aspects of their life. Sometimes, people can feel concerned when they are told they will see a psychologist that they may be evaluated or judged. It is important for parents to know that the psychologist is not evaluating you, your child or your parenting. The psychologist is there to offer support and help families achieve positive outcomes.

The psychologist will also be available throughout the assessment process to support you and your child with any concerns or worries you may have.

The psychologist may also complete some puzzles and exercises with your child to help them gain an understanding of your child’s development and how they learn.

How often will I meet with the psychologist?

Most people attend for one or two sessions with the psychologist during their assessment. There is no limit to how many appointments you and your child can have. Some people will just see the psychologist at the beginning of the hearing/cochlear implant assessment process; others may find it useful to have further appointments. Some families access support from the psychologist further along their journey, at times they feel help would be beneficial. Every young person and family is different and we are happy to offer support as it is needed.

What can a clinical psychologist help with?

The psychologist can help support you and your child with the decision making process regarding hearing implants. They can help by exploring and addressing worries or concerns you and your child may have. The psychologist can also offer support after your child’s surgery, for example supporting your child with adjusting to the implants including any worries or concerns they may have. The psychologist can also help if you have concerns about behavioural difficulties, learning and development or considering your child’s identity as they grow.

What should I do if I have further questions?

If you have any questions or concerns about seeing a psychologist in the cochlear implant team, please contact us via the psychological medicine service for children, young people and families on 01223 216878.

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Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151