Scapula setting
It is important to set the shoulder blades in a good alignment before commencing these exercises. To do this, sit tall, gently draw the shoulder blades back and down. Hold for 10 seconds.
Once you have achieved this you can progress to the following exercises, maintaining this alignment of the shoulder blades.

1. Lift off
Lay face down with your arms by your side. Tighten the muscles between your shoulder blades and lift your arms off the floor, keeping your head on the floor. Repeat ___ times

2. Weight shift on all fours
On all fours lean forward and transfer your weight onto your arms, then shift your weight backwards and to the sides. Repeat ___ times

3. Wall press up
Standing with your hands leaning against the wall, do a press up. To increase the difficulty of this exercise, place your hands on a gymball on the wall to do the press up. Repeat ___ times

4. Ball circles on wall
Keep your back straight. Place a ball between your hand and a wall. Lean your body weight onto your hand. Controlling your shoulder position slowly move the ball in a circle. Repeat ___ times

5. Shoulder stability
Place your forearms on a large ball. Lean forward supporting your body weight on your forearms, keeping your back and legs straight. Hold for ___ seconds Repeat ___ times

6. Supported press ups
Lie on your stomach on a large ball. Tighten your stomach muscles and keep your chin tucked in. Keep your shoulder blades in a neutral position. Walk forward on your hands until your legs are on the ball. Return to the starting position. Repeat ___ times

Please contact our reception on 01223 216633 to leave a message for your physiotherapist, or to enquire about appointments.
Pain relief
To help us optimise your treatment, it is important that you have adequate pain relief. If you are suffering high levels of pain please seek advice from your pharmacist or GP.
Please be aware that this handout is to be used as a guide. If you find these exercises painful please seek advice from your physiotherapist or GP.
This information has been compiled by the Physiotherapy team at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. You may receive this information during an appointment with a physiotherapist, from your GP or via our outpatient physiotherapy website (opens in a new tab).
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
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Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151