What is a clavicle (collar bone) fracture?
The collar bone is also known as the clavicle.
This bone plays an important role in movement of the shoulder and arm. Heavy falls can cause the collar bone to break.
Breaks usually occur half way along the bone. The pieces of bone can become quite separated from each other. Your child may find it painful to move their arm; it is likely to be sore around the area. They may have a ‘bump’ at the fracture site

What to expect
- The fractured clavicle is likely to be painful for four to six weeks.
- The arm and shoulder can be moved out of the sling as the pain allows. This can take up to two weeks but can be sooner if comfortable.
- As the fracture heals there will be a bump over the bone, this is the bone remodelling. This will disappear but can take up to a year to do so. If your child is over ten years of age a small lump may remain.
- Your child can still attend school, however they should avoid contact sports/PE lessons (such as football, rugby etc) for six weeks after injury.
- Some children may not be able to wear a sling. This is not a problem as they will only move their arm as much as their pain allows.
- Swelling and bruising at the fracture site is normal. Simple, over the counter pain killers and applying ice, wrapped in a damp tea towel, to the area will help to reduce swelling and pain. Ice should be applied for 20 minutes three to four times a day.
You should:
- Give your child pain relief as needed in the early stages to help control the pain.
- Your child may be more comfortable sleeping upright for a few days after the injury.
- Remove the sling at night for sleeping.
Please remember:
Please contact your GP if your child’s condition is not improving, or if their pain relief is not adequate.
If your child’s condition is worsening please contact the Multi professional fracture clinic on 01223 348299 or 01223 257095.
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