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Lost or Faulty Processors and Hearing Aids

Patient information A-Z

This document aims to inform all patients (adults and children) with hearing implants about our policy and procedures for replacing lost or damaged equipment.

Important information about your equipment

The NHS provides sound processors and hearing aids on a permanent loan basis; they are not the personal property of the patient.

NHS equipment should always be returned when it is no longer needed. Returning faulty/unused equipment allows us to provide a quicker equipment replacement service with more resources to upgrade and service existing users.

When your sound processor or hearing aid is broken or faulty:

  • As soon as you are aware of any problem(s) with your sound processor or hearing aid, please contact your care provider. This may be the manufacturer (if they provide customer care directly), or The Emmeline Centre.
  • Always provide your full name, date of birth and current address when requesting repairs.
  • We regret we cannot offer a walk-in repair service.  Staff will ask about the problem, and advise you on possible solutions.
  • If the device is still not working, your care provider will aim to supply a replacement device as soon as possible.
  • Your care provider can supply a post-paid envelope for you to return the faulty device.
  • Please return the faulty device within one week of reporting the fault.
  • Those patients who often fail to return faulty devices may be asked to send faulty equipment back before any working replacement is issued, or to attend the Centre in person to receive working replacements.

When your hearing device is lost:

Search everywhere! Ask everyone! Retrace your steps and think of all the places where it could be!

  • As soon as you are aware of the loss, and your searches have been unsuccessful, please contact the Emmeline Centre.
  • If you suspect that the sound processor or hearing aid was stolen, please report the loss to the police to obtain an incident number.

When you inform the Emmeline Centre:

  • A senior clinician will contact you
  • You will be asked in detail about the circumstances of the loss
  • A replacement device will be issued to you at the Centre, or (in certain cases only) by post, as agreed with the senior clinical staff
  • An appointment will usually be arranged to discuss processor wear and handling

For adult patients an administrative charge may be invoiced: currently these charges are £250 for a sound processor and £65 for a hearing aid.

If you later find the processor or hearing aid, please inform the Centre immediately. This saves unnecessary work.

  • Please note replacement sound processors often have to be ordered
  • There may be a delay of 7-10 days before sound is restored.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

Other formats

Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998.

Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151