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Humming exercises

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These exercises may be used to help improve your voice. They can help to relax your larynx (voice box) and gently bring your vocal folds together.

Why do I need these exercises?

Humming helps to achieve smooth voicing by allowing the vocal folds to come softly together. These exercises can be used to improve and strengthen voice quality, and develop vocal resonance. Building up resonance is essential as it can help you increase volume without forcing your voice.

How do I carry out these exercises?

Before you begin, ensure that you are sitting in a comfortable position and try to avoid slouching. If you prefer, you can stand up with your feet slightly apart with your weight evenly balanced. Remain relaxed and use the breathing technique you have been taught.

  • Begin by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth silently. Do this until you feel that a smooth rhythm has been established.
  • Breathe in through your nose, and then breathe out on a hum ‘hmmm’ with your lips closed. You should feel the vibration on your lips.
  • Humming should be achieved at a comfortable pitch for you; remember to never strain your voice. Stop if you feel any discomfort or tension
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.
  • Once you have practised the hum on its own and feel comfortable with it, try:

A) Adding a vowel sound to the hum

  1. hmm-ahh
  2. hmm-eye
  3. hmm-oar
  4. hmm-ee
  5. hmm-ayy
  6. hmm-oo

B) Practise putting ‘mmm’ at the beginning of words as gliding from the hum to the word should help you achieve smooth voicing

  1. mmman
  2. mmmine
  3. mmmean
  4. mmmoon
  5. mmmany
  6. mmmoney
  7. mmmum
  8. mmmen
  9. mmmoment
  10. mmmanage
  11. mmminimum
  12. mmmonument

C) Practise ‘hmm’ in short phrases

  1. mmasked man
  2. mmoaning Minnie
  3. mmmore moths
  4. Mmickey Mouse
  5. Mmartha married Marshall
  6. Mmum measured Martin
  7. Mmolly makes mittens

D) As you become more confident, practise ‘mmm’ in short sentences, always monitoring for tension.

  1. Mmmandy likes mince and minestrone soup
  2. Mmmorris is a muscle man
  3. Mmmanagement lend minimum money
  4. Mmmr Major wears maroon moccasins
  5. Mmmartin has marmalade in the morning
  6. Mmmy mum makes mince on Mondays
  7. Mmmary buys a monthly magazine
  8. Mmmadonna’s misadventure in Majorca
  9. Mmmany munching musicians munched minstrels
  10. Mmmrs Miller modelled her mittens in Mexico

When should I do these exercises?

Humming helps to warm your voice up and down; you can practise these exercises in the morning, before work, or when you feel your voice quality may be getting worse.

It is best to carry out these exercises for short periods of time, on a regular basis as it will have more of a positive effect on your voice. A good target would be to practise the humming exercises three-five times a day for up to five minutes each time.

What should I do if I cannot complete the exercises?

If you have any questions or concerns about these exercises please contact your speech and language therapist on 01223 216200 who will be happy to discuss them with you.

We are smoke-free

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.

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Contact us

Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge

Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151