Who is the leaflet for? What is its aim?
The aim of the leaflet is to provide information on strengthening exercises for the fingers following your hand injury/surgery.
When completing the following exercises, you may feel tightness or a pulling sensation. This is normal. If you experience a sharp pain, reduce the intensity of the exercises. If the pain continues, stop the exercises and discuss this with your therapist at your next appointment.
These exercises should only be completed if you are advised to do them by your therapist. They could harm your recovery if they are done too early in the recovery process.
You may find it easier to complete the following exercises on a firm flat surface.
Composite fist

Place the theraputty in the palm of your injured hand. Curl all your fingers into the theraputty, creating a fist position. Hold this for 5 seconds before releasing the hold.
______times per day
Flat fist

Place the theraputty in the palm of your weakened hand. Curl all your fingers at the big knuckle and at the middle joint so you create an open fist shape. Press all fingers into the theraputty and hold for a count of 5 seconds.
______times per day
Hook fist

Roll the putty into a sausage shape. Place the theraputty in the palm of your weakened hand. Curl all your fingers at the middle joint and top joint so you create a ‘hook’ shape, ensuring that you keep the big joints straight. Press all fingers into the theraputty and hold for a count of 5 seconds.
______times per day
Composite finger spread (Webbing)

Begin with all the fingers of your weakened hand closed/pinched together. Using your unaffected hand, mould the theraputty over the closed fingertips. Slowly open out the fingers spreading the theraputty out. Open your fingers as wide as you can.
______times per day

Place the theraputty on a flat clean surface. Using your injured or weakened hand, roll the theraputty into a sausage shape
______times per day
Composite finger stretch (Doughnut)

Create a loop with the theraputty around all your fingers and thumb whilst these are in a closed position. Then slowly spread the two fingers apart as far as they can go.
______times per day
Isolated Pinch and Pull

Hold the theraputty in your unaffected hand – this is to act as a stabiliser or anchor. Using your thumb and the index finger of your injured hand, pinch the theraputty and pull it away from your unaffected hand. Pinch and pull for 5 seconds before releasing the hold. Repeat this movement with each finger.
______times per day
Bilateral pinch

Pull the theraputty using all your fingers and thumbs at the same time.
______times per day
Composite Finger Abduction

Create a tight loop of theraputty around the middle joint of all fingers. Spread your fingers apart as far as they can go.
______times per day

Using a smaller amount of theraputty, create a small ball or sausage shape. Place the ball or sausage shape between the index and middle finger of your weakened hand. Squeeze the fingers together until they meet. Repeat with all your other fingers.
______times per day
Contacts/further information
The occupational therapy department is located in clinic 30 in the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre (ATC). The occupational therapy reception telephone number: 01223 216769
References/sources of evidence
Davis DI, Baratz M (2010) Soft tissue complications of distal radius fractures. Hand Clinic. 26(2), 229-235.
LaStayo P, Winter K, Hardy M (2003) Bone healing, fracture management and current concepts related to the hand. Journal of Hand Therapy, (16), 81-93.
Mackin EJ, Callahan AD, Skirven TM, Schneider LH, Osterman AL (2002) Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity.5th Edn. Fractures and joint injuries of the hand.
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NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151