We offer individualised care and personalise your treatment to your specific requirements.

This guide is designed to give you information regarding costs involved for fertility treatment at Cambridge IVF. If at any time you have any questions about the fees, payments or refunds, please contact us.
We understand that choosing the right treatment is a major decision and that the language and concepts can be baffling. We will discuss your options with you at every stage and make sure that you have the information you need to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Quality, transparency, affordability
Pure IVF
Cost £3,750 and is a low medicated cycle with a Criteria (see PURE financial Information). It includes medication up to pregnancy testing (excl. Lubion), Scans and Blood tests during the cycle, Egg Collection and Embryo Transfer, 2 Counselling sessions and a review consultation or early pregnancy scan. Additional Services are chargeable.
Multi-cycle IVF
Costs £10,990 suitable for most patients with medication included up to pregnancy testing (Excl. Lubion). 3 cycles of IVF. Scans and Blood tests during the cycles, Egg Collection and Embryo Transfer, 2 Counselling sessions and a review Consultation or early pregnancy scan. Additional services at a reduced price.
More information can be found on individual leaflets and on our website.
For Couples | For Women | For Men | |
For Couples £375 | For Women £275 | For Men £150 | |
Diagnostic semen analysis | For Couples √ | For Women X | For Men √ |
Ovarian reserve blood test (AMH) | For Couples √ | For Women √ | For Men X |
Ovarian ultrasound scan | For Couples √ | For Women √ | For Men X |
Comprehensive fertility review and consultation | For Couples √ | For Women √ | For Men √ |
Pure IVF consultation with a nurse | £100 |
Pre-IVF consultation with a consultant (60 minutes) | £200 |
Diagnostic Scan | £135 |
Diagnostic Scan – Treatment elsewhere | £150 |
Review Consultation (30 minutes) | £110 |
Treatment packages
IVF treatment package
What’s included?
- All monitoring ultrasound scans
- Egg recovery including sedation
- Blastocyst culture (where required)
- Embryo transfer pregnancy scan or a review consultation
- Two counselling sessions
Additional Services
- HFEA licence £85
- Medication £1500 - £3000
- ICSI £1100
- Vitrification (freezing) £650
- Embryoscope £350
Our treatment packages are available at Cambridge IVF and our satellite clinic, Ipswich IVF.
Our laboratory is in the Cambridge clinic. If you choose to have your treatment from Ipswich you will be required to travel to Cambridge for your egg collection and embryo transfer (or insemination if you are having IUI). The rest of your appointments will be in Ipswich.
We do not include pre-treatment assessments, baseline scans, ICSI or Embryo freezing in our any of our package prices.
Other packages
Frozen blastocyst transfer package
Single cycle | £1775 incl. HFEA Fee (Multi-Cycle Package £1175 incl. HFEA Fee)
What’s included?
- ultrasound scans and blood tests during cycle
- blastocyst thawing, transfer and culture
- pregnancy scan or review consultation
- one counselling session
Medication additional cost which averages
IUI package
What’s included?
- ultrasound scans and blood tests during cycle
- the insemination procedure
- pregnancy scan or review consultation
- one counselling session
You will also be required to pay for the pre-treatment assessments, donor sperm (if required) and drugs which average £500 - £600.
Freezing and storage
Freeze all
Freezing of all embryos gives an additional advantage of almost eliminating the risk of ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome or OHHS as it is known. The frozen transfer will replace the fresh transfer included in your chosen package.
What’s included?
- Vitrification
- 1 x Frozen Blastocyst Transfer with Medication if required
- First year storage
Egg freezing package
Single Cycle £2,750
Multi-Egg freezing package £6,750 (3 cycles)
What’s included?
- Cost of drugs
- HFEA Fee
- Vitrification and first year storage
- Monitoring scans and blood tests during the cycle(s)
- Egg recovery including sedation
Type | Cost |
Type Blastocyst freezing by vitrification and first year’s storage | Cost £650 |
Type Annual egg storage from year two onwards | Cost £300 |
Type Annual blastocyst storage from year two onwards | Cost £300 |
Type First semen freezing including one year of storage | Cost £300 |
Type Subsequent semen samples for freezing | Cost £150 |
Type Annual semen storage from year two onwards | Cost £300 |
Type HFEA Fee | Cost £80 |
Type HFEA Fee with donor insemination | Cost £37.50 |
Type EmbryoScopeTM | Cost £350 |
Type Counselling session | Cost £60 |
Type Admin fee for medical summary/referral | Cost £25-£50 |
Type Admin fee for private prescription | Cost £50 |
Type Admin fee for transport of gametes out of CIVF to UK clinic | Cost £100 |
Type Admin fee for transport of gametes out of CIVF to overseas clinic | Cost £200 |
Admin fee for transport of gametes out of CIVF to overseas clinic (including special export directive) |
Cost £300 |

Type | Cost |
Diagnostic semen analysis (DSA) and post vasectomy semen analysis |
Cost £130 (for each test) |
Type DNA fragmentation test (includes DSA) | Cost £350 (only available in Cambridge) |
Type Motile sperm organelle morphology examination (includes DSA) | Cost £250 (only available in Cambridge) |
Type Retrograde ejaculation analysis | Cost £150 |
Type Antisperm antibody testing | Cost £150 |
Type Diagnostic Blood Tests (AMH, FSH, LH, TSH, FBC, Vit D | Cost £150 |
Type Chlamydia | Cost £45 |
Type CMV | Cost £30 |
Type Cystic Fibrosis | Cost £200 |
Type Endometrial Receptivity Array | Cost £900 |
Type Hepatitis B – Core antibody, Hepatitis B – Surface antigen and Hepatitis C | Cost £50 (for each test) |
Type HyCoSy | Cost £450 |
Type Hysteroscopy including biopsy | Cost £900 |
Type Individual blood tests – LH, FSH, TH, FBC | Cost £10 each |
Type Lupus anticoagulant | Cost £80 |
Type Oestradiol (E2), Progesterone and Prolactin | Cost £30 (for each test) |
Type Rubella | Cost £30 |
Type Syphilis | Cost £50 |
Type Testosterone and Toxoplasmosis | Cost £45 (for each test) |
Type Viral testing (incl. HIV, Hep B and Hep C) | Cost £100 |
Treatment cancellation and refunds
Unfortunately, treatment cycles are occasionally cancelled for clinical reasons. For instance, patients may fail to respond adequately to stimulation, meaning that egg collection is not possible. Conversely, some patients may over-respond to stimulation and the medical team may advise that there is a very high risk of developing Ovarian Hyper stimulation Syndrome if treatment continues.
We understand that any decision to cancel is a serious disappointment to you. Hence we try to avoid situations in which we are forced to advise cancellation. However, sometimes we must do so in the interests of your health and well-being or where an outcome is not within our control. Cambridge IVF staff will always include you in these discussions and be open about the reasons for advising cancellation.
IVF / ICSI / MACS ICSI – single cycles only
Cancellation before egg collection
If your single IVF, ICSI or MACS ICSI cycle is cancelled at any stage before egg collection, a refund minus a charge of £650 and any drug costs incurred up to that point will be given.
Cancellation after egg collection
A £200 refund will be given.
Complete failure of fertilisation
In very rare cases, where none of the eggs collected fertilise and there are no embryos to transfer, £200 will be refunded.
Freeze all embryos
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to freeze all of your embryos for clinical reasons, most commonly because of the risk of OHSS. In these circumstances, there will be a cost of £245 which will cover the cost of vitrification, frozen embryo transfer and the first year of storage. The frozen transfer will replace the fresh one.
Frozen blastocyst transfer
- If a frozen blastocyst transfer is cancelled before thawing, there will be a charge of £150 plus any drug costs incurred.
- If a frozen blastocyst transfer is cancelled after thawing there will be a charge of £250 plus any drug costs incurred.
- If we cancel your natural cycle frozen blastocyst transfer due to the expected day of transfer falling on a Sunday a full refund will be made.
If a cycle of DI or IUI is booked but then cancelled there is a fee of £250.
Any refunds will be paid once our finance department has received confirmation of the change in treatment from Cambridge IVF staff. Any outstanding costs will be deducted from refunds. Refund payments will be to the card used for the initial payment.
Queries and questions
Working out how much you may need to pay isn’t always easy. If you have any queries about this please call 01223 349010 Option 5 or about any other aspect of our service, please use Option 3. If you’re planning to have your treatment led at Ipswich call 01473 703092. You can also email Cambridge IVF or reach us on Twitter @CambridgeIVF or Facebook @Cambridge IVF.
Further information
Pregnancy scan
An early pregnancy scan at the Rosie or Ipswich Hospital is included in your package price. Further specialist pregnancy scans are available from Cambridge Fetal Care at the Rosie. Visit the Cambridge Fetal Care website (opens in a new tab) or call 01223 217227 for further information and up-to-date pricing.
Drug costs
These are additional to the treatment package cost, unless you are having PURE, Multi-Cycle or the Egg Freezing Package. Post pregnancy test drugs are additional to the all-inclusive package prices and will be invoiced separately.
Please be aware that the drug costs vary according to the regime prescribed but on average drug costs range from £1,500 to £4250 per cycle of IVF or ICSI.
All drugs prices are inclusive of VAT and include home delivery. A charge of £65 will be added for Saturday deliveries.
Please be aware that occasionally further medication may be required due to a number of factors including dose, length of prescription and whether the type of medication has to be changed, therefore on occasions further medication costs may be incurred with additional delivery costs.
Payment for consultation and pre-treatment screening tests are at the time of booking. If a consultation is cancelled with less than 48 hours’ notice, no refund will be made.
Payment for treatment packages, additional services and drugs are payable prior to the commencement of treatment.
If you decide to cancel your treatment after your consultation but prior to receipt of drugs and start of treatment the package price will be refunded.
How to pay
Payment can be made by the following methods:
- Credit Card / Debit Card payment: Over the phone or in person at the unit.
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
Other formats
Help accessing this information in other formats is available. To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our patient information help page (see link below) or telephone 01223 256998. www.cuh.nhs.uk/contact-us/accessible-information/
Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151