Based at the Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely CB6 1DN
This leaflet is for patients coming to Ely DSU to provide information on what to expect on the day and how to prepare for their surgery.
Where is Ely DSU?
The enclosed map has directions for Ely DSU. You should put Davison Road in your sat-nav, rather than Lynn Road. Once you find the hospital the day surgery unit is well signposted. It is on the first floor and the receptionist will greet you in the unit. There is free parking at either in the front of the hospital or around the back where there is easy access to the day surgery unit.
Opening times of Ely DSU
Ely DSU is open from 7.30am for admissions. Before your day of surgery, you will be told what time you should arrive.
Preparing for your surgery
On the day of your operation it is very important that you follow these instructions carefully.
Non-urgent advice: Food and drink
If you eat or drink when you should not, your operation will be cancelled.
- 7.30am admission
Stop eating at midnight, you may continue to drink clear water only until 6am. Please come to Ely for 7.30am.
- 11am admission
Have a light, early breakfast (cereal or toast and a drink) no later than 5am in the morning. Please do not eat anything after this.
You may continue to drink clear water only until 10am.
Please come to Ely for 11am.
- 1pm admission
Have a light, early breakfast (cereal or toast and a drink) no later than 7am in the morning. Please do not eat anything after this.
You may continue to drink clear water only until midday.
Please come to Ely for 1pm.
Please bring any medications you take with you including a list from the GP.
You can take your medicines as usual on the day of surgery (unless otherwise specified by your doctor/nurse) with up to 50ml water if you are fasting. If you are unsure please ask your consultant or call pre-assessment on 01223 257158 or call 01223 388025.
If you start taking a new medication before your operation, please phone pre-assessment clinic, who will decide if this medicine should be maintained or stopped.
If you smoke you are advised to stop/reduce the amount you smoke in the run up to your surgery and anaesthetic. Please do not smoke at all for three days prior to surgery, especially if it’s hand, foot or oral surgery.
For your own health do not drink alcohol in excess. You should not drink any alcohol for two days prior to an anaesthetic.
If you become unwell in the two weeks prior to your operation please inform pre-assessment who will provide advice regarding your procedure. If you are unwell on the day please call Ely DSU on 01353 652271.
Getting to and from the DSU
You will need to ensure you can get to the DSU on the day of your surgery and arrange for a responsible adult who can stay in the area to pick you up afterwards.
If you cannot make your appointment
If you are unable to make your appointment for any reason please call us on 01353 652271.
What to bring to hospital
- Your consent form (if you were given one at your previous appointment).
- All of your regular medications, including your GP prescription.
- If you have a medical exemption card, please bring it with you.
- Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes and low-heeled shoes.
- You may bring a dressing gown.
- Hearing aids and glasses, as appropriate.
- Something to do/ read while you are waiting (e.g. book, newspaper).
- Only bring one small bag as we have very limited storage and your bed space may change.
- Please ensure you have a supply of paracetamol or ibuprofen at home (if not contra-indicated/allowed) for pain relief. You will be prescribed additional pain relief if required.
- If you have special diet requirements please bring in a snack to have post procedure. Unfortunately we cannot cater for all types of allergies.
What not to bring to hospital
- Personal belongings or valuables (e.g. jewellery, iPods, laptops, large sums of money or credit cards).
- All jewellery and body piercings should be removed and left at home.
- Contact lenses.
- Please remove all make up, nail varnish and false nails.
- Mobile phones chargers.
What will happen on the day of surgery?
When you arrive please report to the unit receptionist where you will be registered and the admission process started. You will meet your nurses who will prepare you for surgery and anaesthesia. You will then meet your surgeon and anaesthetist. You will be asked to complete a questionnaire and consent form.
If you require a sick leave certificate, please inform the nurse on admission. Please be aware that your appointment time is not the time of your surgery, and a wait will be involved.
We understand that waiting for surgery can be an anxious time and we will try and keep you informed about when your operation will be.
After your operation you will wake up in recovery and then be taken back to the ward.
- You will be discharged from the DSU on the same day as your operation.
- Arrangements will be made for any follow-up treatment you may require.
- Information regarding your recovery and medications will be given to you prior to discharge.
- The average day surgery stay is about four hours. A responsible adult should accompany you to admission and then remain in the Ely area as you will need to be discharged promptly. There is very limited space for patients and no area for patients to wait to be picked up. Sometimes discharge times may vary according to the nature of your operation and sometimes there are unforeseen delays. A responsible adult should be able to stay with you for an extended time. We also need a contact number for the responsible adult taking you home in case they want to leave the hospital to go out locally.
- You must not use public transport or drive yourself home. If you use a taxi you should still have an escort. If you do not have a responsible adult to transport you home your procedure will be cancelled.
- You must arrange for a responsible adult to take you home and stay with you for 24 hours after your operation.
- Your nurse will give you written and clear verbal instructions on how to take care of yourself.
- It is important to rest for a few days after your operation, especially if nausea or dizziness occurs.
- For 24 hours after your operation you must not: drive any vehicle, operate machinery (including cookers, kettles and irons), drink alcohol, or take sleeping tablets.
- Avoid making important decisions.
- You should not return to work on the day following your operation. If may be necessary to stay at home longer, depending on the type of operation.
- If you are worried about your condition, please contact your GP first.
- We may contact you the day after your surgery to check how you are and for audit purposes.
Non-urgent advice: Speak with your GP urgently if:
You experience any of the following complications once you are home we recommend that you speak with your GP urgently:
- Uncontrolled pain, feeling faint or dizzy
- Severe nausea or vomiting
- Bleeding, redness, swelling, bruising, discharge or pain from around the wound site.
For less urgent issues call NHS 111 for advice or visit your local minor injuries units at the following locations:
- Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely: Call 01353 772500
- Doddington Hospital, Doddington: Call 01354 637078
- North Cambs Hospital, Wisbeach: Call 01945 468787
Contact details
Pre-operative assessment: Call 01223 257158 or call 01223 250888
Ely Day Surgery Unit: Call 01353 652279 or call 01353 652271
Directions to the Princess of Wales Hospital
The Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely, is approximately 15 miles north of Cambridge.

By Road
Ely is served by the A10 (north/south) and the A142 (east/west). Major roads leading into the area are the M11, A14 and M25 to the south and east and the M1, A1 and A14 to the north and west.
From A10 South
Follow signs for A10 Ely/Downham Market (you will by-pass Ely city centre).
Approach roundabout signposted for B1411 to Little Downham and Ely Community College; take 3rd exit marked Community College. At the next roundabout take 1st left. This road will take you through a new housing estate. Go straight across the next roundabout. At the next roundabout turn left onto Lynn Road. The hospital is sign-posted along this road. Turn right into Davison Road and follow signs for the car park.
From A10 North
Follow signs for A10 Ely. You will approach a roundabout signposted for B1411 to Little Downham and Ely Community College; take 1st exit marked Community College. At the next roundabout take 1st left. This road will take you through a new housing estate. Go straight across the next roundabout. At the next roundabout turn left onto Lynn Road. The hospital is sign-posted along this road. Turn right into Davison Road and follow signs for the car park.
From A142 East
You will arrive in Ely with the Railway Station and Tesco on your left. Turn left at the next roundabout; go straight over mini roundabout. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit (marked A10 Downham Market). Go straight over the next roundabout. You will approach a roundabout signposted for B1411 to Little Downham and Ely Community College take 3 rd exit marked Community College. At the next roundabout take 1st left. This road will take you through a new housing estate. Go straight across the next roundabout. At the next roundabout turn left onto Lynn Road. The hospital is sign-posted along this road. Turn right into Davison Road and follow signs for the car park.
From A142 West
You will arrive at a roundabout near the ‘Little Chef’ restaurant. Turn left at this roundabout marked A10 Downham Market. You will approach a roundabout signposted for B1411 to Little Downham and Ely Community College; take 3rd exit marked Community College. At the next roundabout take 1st left. This road will take you through a new housing estate. Go straight across the next roundabout. At the next roundabout turn left onto Lynn Road. The hospital is sign-posted along this road. Turn right into Davison Road and follow signs for the car park.
By Rail
Ely Railway Station is well served by regular trains from all directions. The Princess of Wales Hospital is a 10 minute taxi ride from the station.
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
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Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151