You have sprained the ligaments in your ankle.
This commonly causes pain and swelling, and in more severe cases visible bruising. You may also experience weakness.
What should I expect and what can I do to help my ankle to heal?
In the early days after the injury , R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) reduces the inflammation of the ankle.
As soon as the acute pain and swelling settles normal walking is allowed. It is advisable to wear flat shoes and avoid walking a round on uneven ground.
More strenuous and sporting activities can be introduced gradually when the pain and swelling has settled down and normal walking is comfortable.
Minor sprains recover within a few weeks and do not need specific treatment. More severe sprains may take longer to settle, and sometimes physiotherapy helps in recovering joint movements, muscle strength and stability.
It may take several months for the ankle to feel normal again and for the swelling to disappear completely.
Occasionally the ankle sprain continues to be painful even after several months. In case there are ongoing problems, seeking advice from an ankle specialist is advisable.
Physiotherapy advice
No specific physiotherapy exercises or advice required for this injury.

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Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151