Your child has fractured his / her clavicle (collar bone). This type of fracture is common in children. Clavicle fractures heal well – the only treatments required are painkillers and a sling.

What should I expect and what can I do to help my child’s clavicle to heal?
The fractured clavicle is likely to be painful for four to six weeks.
Your child may find it more comfortable to sleep sitting upright for a few days after the injury.
The shoulder and arm can be moved out of the sling as pain allows. This will usually be about two weeks after the injury but can be sooner if comfortable.
As the fracture heals there will be a bump over the bone. This will disappear but can take one year to do so. If your child is older than ten years old a small bump may remain.
Your child may return to sports such as swimming as soon as comfortable, but should avoid contact sports (such as football, rugby and basketball) for six weeks.
If your child is still experiencing significant symptoms after three months, please contact the fracture clinic for further advice or follow-up.
Physiotherapy advice
No specific physiotherapy exercises or advice required for this injury.
Contacts and further information
For any queries in relation to your injury of for further advise:
Please contact the Emergency department minor injuries extension via the CUH main switch board number on 01223 245151 extension 3119 or contact the NHS service on 111.
We are smoke-free
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus. For advice and support in quitting, contact your GP or the free NHS stop smoking helpline on 0800 169 0 169.
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Contact us
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road, Cambridge
Telephone +44 (0)1223 245151