What are diverticula?
Diverticula (singular. diverticulum) are small bulges in the inner lining of the colon (large bowel). They look like small sacs with a narrow opening. These diverticula often develop due to localised pressure on a weak area of bowel and may be associated with chronic constipation and a low intake of dietary fibre. They are more commonly found in later life although people of all ages can develop them.

What is diverticular disease?
The condition of having diverticula is known as diverticulosis.
Most people with diverticulosis don’t have any symptoms and many people have diverticula for many years without knowing. However diverticula can sometimes become inflamed and this may cause pain, diarrhoea and fever. If one or more diverticulum are inflamed this is called diverticulitis.
Diverticular disease is the term that refers to both diverticulosis and diverticulitis.
Diet and diverticular disease
If you have been diagnosed with diverticular disease then gradually modifying the fibre content of your diet may help to improve symptoms and aim to avoid subsequent symptom episodes in the long
term. Fibre is the part of plant foods that our digestive system is unable to break down fully. It is found in fruit, vegetables, cereals, nuts, seeds and legumes.
A medium to high fibre diet is recommended for people with diverticular disease. This can help stools to become larger, softer and thus easier to pass. This is beneficial because small pellet like stools are more likely to become lodged inside a diverticulum, which may result in inflammation. A high fibre diet may also prevent further diverticula from developing.
It is important to drink plenty of fluid when increasing fibre intake and be reasonably physically active, to help prevent/ treat any constipation.
However, if your symptoms persist, then your dietitian or doctor may recommend a trial of a low fibre diet temporarily, as during inflammation, fibre could act as an irritant. Fibre should be reintroduced gradually as soon as possible after your symptoms improve. Your dietitian will be able to support you with this.
The following expanders will give you information about which foods are high in fibre and therefore to aim to include in your diet.
If your symptoms do not improve with a change in diet, please contact your dietitian for further advice on 01223 216655.
Your dietitian is: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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