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Parkinson's disease, dystonia, tremor disorders

Our neurology team hold a range of clinics to help patients who have movement disorders, and also offer advanced treatments and carry out research into future therapies.

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We have specific expertise in Parkinson’s disease, dystonia and tremor disorders, which can cause shaking, rigidity, slowed movement and muscle spasms. Although there is no cure for these neurological conditions, we are able to help patients to manage the symptoms using drugs and other treatments.

Patients with movement disorders can come to one of several specialist clinics, which are run by Dr Paul Worth and Dr Duncan Forsyth and take place at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Brookfields Hospital and Saffron Walden Community Hospital. A clinic offering advanced treatments, such as deep brain stimulation, also takes place at our main campus on Hill’s Road, and is run by Dr Philip Buttery alongside Mr Colin Watts and Mr Robert Morris from the neurosurgical team.

Professor Roger Barker runs a research clinic for Parkinson’s disease at the Brain Repair Centre on the Forvie Site next to the main hospital. Patients referred to the clinic are assessed and added to a database for future research, which gives them the opportunity to take part in new drug trials and experimental therapeutics, such as gene therapy, if appropriate. Anyone who is interested in coming to the clinic should discuss it with their doctor during their usual outpatient appointment.

Our team of specialist nurses also offer additional support and advice to people with Parkinson’s who have been admitted to Addenbrooke’s Hospital as an inpatient, making sure they receive the right medicine at the right time. On hand throughout their admission, the team also link closely with Parkinson’s nurses working within the community so that patients can continue to access help following their discharge.

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