The neuropsychology department offers complex diagnostic assessment and treatment for outpatients and inpatients with cognitive, emotional and behavioural impairment as a result of neurological disorders
Everyday memory problems: A practical guide
Understanding the causes of memory problems and how to manage them
There are many reasons for memory problems. Some memory problems result from neurological disorders while others may be the result of stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression or other factors. This booklet is intended to provide an understanding of the stages of memory, the causes of memory problems and some strategies for dealing with them.
Neuropsychology is concerned with the relationship between the brain and our thinking skills (cognition) and behaviour. Changes in thinking, emotional wellbeing and behaviour can occur after brain injury or illness. We provide assessment for patients who have concerns about their own abilities or those of their loved ones, and rehabilitation where appropriate.
We see patients from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, and we offer face-to-face, telemedicine and telephone consultations.
We have a friendly and knowledgeable secretary Fiona Aschmann, who is willing to answer any questions.
Please call 01223 217557.
Managing Cognitive and Emotional Difficulties
When you have been unwell with COVID-19, it will have been a confusing and unsettling time. This is likely to have been made worse by hospital noises, alarms and limited daylight along with disruption of your normal sleep-wake patterns. The masks and goggles or visors that staff wore may have made you feel disoriented or scared and you might have seen other patients who were unwell. These experiences may lead to a range of emotions as well as changes to your memory and thinking.
A Guide for Patients and Relatives on the Cognitive Effects of recovering from COVID-19
A Guide for Patients and Relatives on the Cognitive Effects of recovering from ICU
Non-urgent advice: Referral information
Referrals are mostly made by the neurology and neurosurgery teams. If you have concerns about your or your loved ones' cognitive functioning, please ask your GP to refer you to the neurology department, who will refer on to us if appropriate.
Non-urgent advice: Key personnel
Fiona Jobson
Medical secretary
Karen Chan
Medical secretary
Emma Woodberry
Consultant clinical psychologist and joint head of department
Claire Illingworth
Consultant clinical psychologist and joint head of department
Georgina Browne
Consultant clinical psychologist
Becky Rous
Clinical psychologist and inpatient clinical lead
Alexa McDonald
Clinical psychologist and outpatient clinical lead
Huw Green
Clinical psychologist and stroke lead, inpatient team
Priya Varma
Clinical psychologist, outpatient team
Heather Condon
Clinical psychologist, outpatient team
Glenneze Ong
Clinical psychologist, inpatient team
Lisa Healy
Clinical psychologist
Esme Hayes
Assistant psychologist, outpatient team
Nimesh Patel
Assistant psychologist, inpatient team