CAMProbe prostate biopsy device

A urologist in the Trust invented a tool for taking prostate biopsies in a new way, which vastly reduces the rate of post-procedure infection.
Clinical Engineering designed and manufactured prototypes for a research trial, which was a great success.
Now we’re working on an NIHR i4i-funded project along with the inventor, manufacturers and the Clinical Trials Unit to develop the device into a CE marked single use disposable product with an estimated market of £50 million annually.
Hear Glue Ear

If glue ear means a young child is unable to hear properly, it can affect speech and language development as well as everyday life. But diagnosing it takes many months.
A clinician had an idea to use consumer bone conduction headphones to improve patients’ hearing during the ‘watchful waiting’ period. We assessed the device, designed the required modifications and assembled the documentation required for a CE marked medical device.
A product is now ready for in-house use and on its way to being commercialised.
Further information can be found at CUH News - Glue ear headphones win parents’ praise.

A clinical research study to test efficacy of a novel automated insulin delivery system required an adaption to current insulin pumps (IPUMP).
We designed an alternative pump cap, and utilised additive manufacture due to the cost effectiveness for small batch production parts.
The adapted pump cap enabled participates to use their current infusion set with the research insulin pump, ensuring safety, comfort and study compliance. The device is currently registered as a Class 1 medical device.

A soldier, who lost his leg after being hit by an 11-ton tank, required CUH to develop a lightweight prosthetic leg for competitive cycling.
We collaborated with CUH prosthetists and technicians alongside Cambridge Clinical Movement Laboratory (CCML), to design a comfortable, durable and aerodynamic prosthetic.
The CUH patient wore the final lightweight prosthetic in the cycling time trial at the Invictus Games, held in Sydney in October 2018 and secured a bronze medal.