Meet our amazing long service award winners for 2024.

My CUH Story – Tracey McClelland
Tracey McClelland is one of our divisional directors of operations for division B at CUH. She originally trained at CUH in 1983, becoming a registered nurse in 1986. Here Tracey tells us more about the 40 years she's worked with us.

My CUH Story – Fraz Mir
Fraz Mir is a consultant physician in acute and general internal medicine, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Fraz joined the CUH team in 2002. Here Fraz tells us more about his time at CUH.

My CUH Story – Carmela Arroyo
Carmela Arroyo is a band 5 nurse in the John Farman intensive care unit (JVF ICU). She joined CUH in November 2003 after moving to England from the Philippines. Here Carmela tells us more about her passion for nursing which has continued to grow over the 20 years she's worked at CUH.

My CUH Story – Sarah Rose
Sarah Rose is the deputy operations manager for the outpatients service. She joined CUH in 2003 after personal experience made her want to join the NHS. Here Sarah tells us more about the last 20 years at CUH and how she has climbed the career ladder here.

My CUH Story – Claire Dallas
Claire Dallas is a senior sister in the emergency department. Claire started her nursing career at Addenbrooke's in nursing auxiliary in 2003. Here she tells us more about how she came to be a nurse and her time at CUH.

My CUH Story – Susanne Guly
Susanne Guly is a a senior physiotherapist in neurosciences. Originally from Germany, she joined CUH in 2004 after working in a number of different hospitals and rehabilitation centres. Here Susanne tells us more about the 20 years she has been at CUH and the changes she's seen.

My CUH Story – Wendy Smeeton
Wendy Smeeton is a Hepatitis C operational delivery network co-ordinator/analyst. She joined CUH in 1994 as a personal assistant. Here Wendy tells us more about the 30 years she's worked with us and the changes she's seen in her profession.

My CUH Story – Faith Survant
Faith Survant is a staff nurse in the D4 intensive care unit. She joined CUH in 2004 after training in the Philippines and working for 10 years in Saudi Arabia. Here Faith tells us more about the 20 years she has been at CUH.

My CUH Story – Chrissy Marsh
Chrissy Marsh is a ward manager on ward A5 at CUH. She joined CUH straight from school as a pre-nursing student in 2003. Here Chrissy shares more about the 20 years she's worked with us.

My CUH Story – Catherine Moffat
Catherine Moffat is a specialist physiotherapist in the Breathlessness Intervention Service (BIS) in Palliative Care. She joined CUH in 2003 when she felt she needed a bigger challenge. Here Catherine tells us more about her 20 years at CUH and 24 years in the NHS and how things have changed.

My CUH Story – Victoria Edwards
Victoria Edwards joined CUH straight from university in Ireland in 2003. She has worked as a speech and language therapist for over 13 years and is now one of our motor neurone disease care coordinators. Here Victoria tells us more about her 20 years at CUH.

My CUH Story – Suzy Mee
Suzy Mee is a resuscitation officer at CUH. She originally joined as a student nurse in 2001 and qualified in 2004. Suzy loves working at CUH but it's also a special place for her as she met her husband here and had one of children at the Rosie! Here Suzy tells us more about her 20 years at CUH.

My CUH Story – Debbie Morgan
Debbie Morgan is celebrating 30 years at CUH after originally joining as a trainee clinical cytogeneticist in November 1993. Over the last 30 years Debbie has undertaken a range of senior leadership roles, including being involved with global health work with partners in low- and middle-income countries. Here, Debbie tells us more about this work and her time at CUH.

My CUH Story – Helen Worman
Helen Worman is celebrating 30 years at CUH! She joined us after training as a medical secretary at a GP surgery and has since completed further education whilst working here. Helen tells us more about her time at CUH and the biggest changes she's seen .

My CUH Story – James Hewitson
James Hewitson is a staff nurse in our orthopaedic theatres. James joined CUH over 20 years ago and although he is a born and bred Northumbrian Geordie says his experience at CUH has been life changing. Here James tells us more about his time here and how things have changed.

My CUH Story – Teresa Doyle
Teresa Doyle has worked for the NHS for 44 years, 40 of which have been at CUH! She is an out of hours deputy operational matron working in our Operations Centre, but started out as a healthcare assistant. Here Teresa tells us more about her time here and how things have changed.