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Useful links

Please see our list of useful links and resources below.

Hearing loss

  • RNID (opens in a new tab) the national charity for hearing loss. Offers lots of information and support on a whole range of subjects relating to hearing loss and tinnitus. They also provide some information about lip-reading and campaign for better access.
  • British Deaf Association (opens in a new tab) - Aims to achieve equality for deaf people. This is through community empowerment, membership and campaigning.
  • Hearing Link (opens in a new tab) are a charity who support people with hearing loss to live well. Their website also includes a guide to lip-reading, links to online resources and a quiz to test your lip-reading skills.
  • Deafblind UK (opens in a new tab) support people with combined sight and hearing loss.

Lip reading

  • The Association of Teachers of Lip-reading to Adults (ATLA) (opens in a new tab)provides information about lip-reading classes (including the ability to search for a class close to where you live). It also has some useful tips on managing hearing loss. Books/DVDs can also be purchased.
  • The Lip-reading Practice (opens in a new tab) website was set up by a lip-reading teacher and offers free lip‑reading practice resources. The exercises include video clips to practice the look and shape of sounds as well as stories to practice lip-reading in context. There are also exercise sheets to download for additional practice as well as plenty of guidance, advice and useful strategies.

Hearing aids


Dizziness and balance

Acoustic neuroma

Local hearing loss organisations

Please note, some of the services may have temporarily changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the social distancing measures in place. It is best you contact the service directly so that you can obtain up-to-date service information.

Local authority / sensory services


Learning disabilities

Cochlear implants / other implants

Assistive Listening Devices / Hearing aid accessories

Hearing loss in care settings


Your local cinema (opens in a new tab) - Has extensive listings of subtitled cinema shows across the country, enabling film fans with hearing loss to enjoy rather than endure cinema.

Stagetext (opens in a new tab) - Has information about events such as theatre, talks and online talks that are captioned, making it easier for people who are hard of hearing / deaf to enjoy.

Disabled persons railcard (opens in a new tab) - Hearing aid users are entitled a Disabled Person’s Railcard. With this card you and a travelling partner can get 1/3 off adult rail fares for travel on the National Rail network.

Access to work ( (opens in a new tab) - Access to Work provides grants to help people to overcome barriers they may be facing when looking for a job, or when working. This means helping you to overcome any difficulties you are facing because of not hearing at work.

Hearing dogs (opens in a new tab) - Charity that trains dogs to alert people with hearing loss to important and life-saving sounds they would otherwise miss.