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Our approach

We will consider everything we consume as an asset with a real carbon footprint and a real post-consumption value (from energy to equipment, from food to pharmaceuticals and more).

Circular economy productivity

Three-quarters of our carbon emissions are already embedded in the goods, materials and equipment we purchase and consume.

Our vision of rapidly developing our role as a responsible consumer within a circular economy provides us with a much more achievable and locally productive way forward. One that can act as both a foundation and ongoing boost to the higher level processes of supply chain decarbonisation coming forward in the centrally driven Roadmap for NHS Suppliers to Reach Net Zero by 2045 (opens in a new tab).

Diagram illustrating the reprocessing and review of materials and resources
Developing our role as a responsible consumer within a circular economy provides us with a much more achievable and locally productive way.

Everything CUH purchases does, of course, have an immediate utility value in terms of healthcare delivery. In a circular economy, however, the productivity does not stop there:

  • the value can be sustained through reuse and repair on-site;
  • some of the purchase cost can be recouped through high-value recycling;
  • by working with suppliers, products can be designed for ready reuse, repair and high-value recycling;
  • by working with disposal contractors, exhausted products can be more readily segregated, collected and fed back into the supply chain to secure maximum value, zero-waste and minimum carbon emissions; and
  • by working with our NHS, community and academic partners to share and expand net-zero/zero-waste knowledge and experience.

Each of the actions in our Action 50 Green Plan (opens in a new tab) works within or develops this reframing of decision making. To deliver our Green Plan we will work with all our staff to help them choose between high-carbon/high-waste and net-zero/zero-waste options. Some will be familiar and others less so – but all matter.

Examples of daily decisions at CUH which will change

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Our Action 50

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Work being carried out to supply of gas