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Our Action 50

CUH has created a plan that details 50 distinct actions across three strategic themes: reducing emissions, saving resources and working together. They have been grouped into four action sets that reflect their collective roles on our journey towards net-zero/zero-waste.

Taking Action

The 50 specific actions will deliver our immediate objectives of organisational engagement and a 10% carbon reduction by 2024 and are essential to ensuring early momentum in achieving our medium-term 50% carbon reduction milestone by 2032 and then continuing to net-zero by 2045. The coverage of the 50 detailed actions in the plan is laid out in the bullet points below.

Reducing emissions
icon showing a bus and cyclist

Progressively cutting the carbon emissions that we have direct control over.

In our buildings services we will:

  • Reduce energy use intensity through maintenance upgrade programmes.
  • Install photovoltaic solar panels wherever we can.
  • Review the set-points of all our building services to ensure they are not on unnecessarily.
  • Follow the NHS net-zero standard for our new builds and major refurbishments.

In our transport and travel we will:

  • Electrify our CUH vehicle fleet and support staff purchase of electric vehicles.
  • Amend our expenses policy in favour of low-carbon travel.
  • Upgrade our cycle parking capacity.
  • Support public transport and active travel routes to and from our premises.
  • Provide telemedicine services and remote access technology to reduce travel to site.

In our clinical practice we will:

  • Reduce our nitrous oxide emissions by 50%.
  • Reduce our desflurane use to less than 5% of volatile gases used in surgery.
  • Prescribe lower carbon inhalers where possible and collect used items.
Saving resources
graphic with recycling arrows symbol

Creating value and cutting carbon in how we purchase, use and throwaway.

To increase reuse-repair-recycle options we will:

  • Specify goods to be reusable, repairable and recyclable wherever possible.
  • Expand on-site reuse, repair and recycling facilities.
  • Continue to develop waste bin infrastructure to extend recycling rates.
  • Set an expectation that suppliers match our net-zero/zero-waste objectives.

To lower the carbon footprint of our purchased items we will:

  • Reduce our consumption of single-use plastics (especially PPE and in catering).
  • Reduce paper consumption and maximise recycled content.
  • Secure electricity supplies from very low-carbon sources.
  • Bring forward the longer-term storage of carbon in materials and tree cover.

In avoiding emissions within our supply chains we will:

Working together
graphic showing hands shaking

Responding to responsibility across our CUH family and local community.

In our engagement with staff and stakeholders we will:

  • Provide extensive carbon literacy training and support
  • Incorporate net-zero/zero-waste content in all relevant policies and procedures.
  • Include net-zero/zero-waste engagement in new starter, new manager and appraisal processes.
  • Roll-out net-zero/zero-waste tools for small teams alongside development of a more formal Think Green Champions Network.

In how we provide leadership and accountability we will:

  • Deliver a ‘say’ and ‘do’ approach with management accountability.
  • Become a net-zero/zero-waste anchor institution and ICS leader.
  • Support ill-health prevention in the local community we serve.
  • Bring together collective capabilities across the campus, local council, universities and research centres.

For detailed information on 50 specific actions over the four action sets, please refer to Part 4 of our Action 50 Green Plan Executive Plan.

The governance and reporting regime, detailed in the Action 50 Green Plan will hold the organisation to account and ensure the objectives are managed and secured.

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cycle hub colleague looks at electric scooter for repair