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Will Watson

Public Governor

Will Watson

My current role

I was elected as a Public Governor in July 2024 for my first three-year term.

With over a decade of experience at Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH), initially as a student and later as a doctor, I know the organisation inside and out. Having been at the front line of service delivery, I've witnessed firsthand what works and what doesn't, and I am deeply committed to delivering the best as a Governor.

My primary focus as a governor is ensuring that CUH serves the local people effectively. I am passionate about addressing issues such as emergency department waits, inpatient flow, and outpatient services. Despite challenging circumstances, CUH consistently delivers outstanding care, and I am dedicated to ensuring continuous improvement.

Currently, I work for CUH’s two partner organisations: Papworth Hospital and the University of Cambridge.

Previous history

I served as a Staff Governor at CUH for two years. This experience provided me with valuable insights into the governance structure and how it can effectively serve the community.

Furthermore, my experiences at CUH as a student and doctor have equipped me with knowledge of how things work on the hospital's front lines, from both the staff and patient perspectives. I strongly feel that this is where solutions to many of our problems lie.

Personal interests

I enjoy getting out in the countryside for a good walk, having a good glass of wine, and spending too much time and money on ridiculous cars. None of these things at the same time however.