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The Rosie visiting policy

Due to an increase in the number of cases of norovirus, flu, RSV and Covid we are seeing in our hospitals, we are putting additional visiting restrictions in place.

Urgent advice: Temporary visiting restrictions

Mask-wearing has been reinstated for all staff and visitors in all clinical areas. Birthing people in labour, are exempt from mask wearing.

Two birth partners are still permitted for support but they must be symptom-free. 

We have taken the difficult decision to restrict visiting during the postnatal period. Birth partners can remain with one additional visitor. Only siblings over 12 years of age may visit the wards. 

Visiting hours have been reduced to 15:00-18:00.

We thank you for your cooperation in keeping our patients safe.

Last updated: 06 January 2025

Please note: The information below outlines our standard visiting policy. However, any temporary restrictions listed above take precedence and may temporarily override these standard guidelines.

Non-urgent advice: Visiting maternity services

  • You may always be accompanied by one support person for outpatient appointments, and throughout your stay in The Rosie (including overnight). If you are attending for a labour or birth related reason a second support person is additionally welcome to support you on delivery unit and the Rosie Birth Centre.
  • You may also have visiting from friends and family in all in-patient maternity areas (Obstetric Close Observation Unit, Sara Ward and Lady Mary Ward) between the hours of 8am - 8pm. Only two adult visitors (in addition to the support person) are allowed at any one time due to space restrictions and only siblings of the baby are to visit*.
  • Please be advised that during your admission there may be times when healthcare professionals will ask to speak to you in private away from support people/visitors.
  • Please be advised that visiting restrictions may need to be put in place at short notice.
  • Please do not visit if you are feeling unwell

*Children are able to accompany you to all outpatient appointments except:

- Ultrasound appointments

- (Clinic 24) early pregnancy unit

- (Clinic 23) triage (babies are welcomed to postnatal assessments)

If this would prevent you from being able to attend, please call the relevant department to make a personalised plan.