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Teledermatology service


If you are referred to Dermatology at Cambridge University Hospitals, you may be offered a Teledermatology appointment. These clinics take place in the community at a number of GP practices and may prevent the need for you to attend the hospital site for your condition.

At your Teledermatology appointment, you will see a medical photographer, who will use a special, high-quality camera to take photographs of your skin problem. Your photographs will be reviewed by a Consultant Dermatologist who will decide if you need to be seen at a clinic or whether you should receive a management plan by post or a telephone consultation.

Please see the Teledermatology patient information leaflet on the right hand side of this page for more detailed information.

If you are referred into the service and have any questions, please contact 01223 806000.

After your appointment, you may be contacted to complete a patient survey about your experience using this service.

Teledermatology service

Patient feedback on Teledermatology service

A patient experience survey was carried out in January 2021 with a view to identifying patient experience of the pilot Teledermatology service. 188 patients were seen and sent a survey between October 2020 and November 2020. We received feedback from 111 of these patients.

These findings were wholly positive, with comments around the efficiency and effectiveness of the service. Patients were encouraged to identify areas for improvement and mostly these related to improving the information received before and after their Teledermatology appointment. Several patients highlighted that they would have preferred a full body skin check in addition to those lesions they were referred for. This is not something that the Teledermatology service is designed to provide at this time. We have acknowledged these comments and have adapted our patient information leaflet to reflect this.