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Donate to the Brainbow service

If you'd like to donate to the Brainbow service please see the Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT) website.

The relationship between Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust and Brainbow

Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT) (opens in a new tab) is the independent, dedicated charity supporting Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals.

ACT manages over 330 funds across both hospitals to ensure that money received through charitable means is properly managed and accounted for, as per Charity Commission legislation. We ensure it is directed to specific clinical services, wards or departments as requested by the donor, or towards areas of greatest patient need across the hospitals.

The Brainbow service was launched in 2013 as a result of a unique partnership between three independent charities (Anna’s Hope (opens in a new tab), Camille’s Appeal (opens in a new tab) and Tom’s Trust (opens in a new tab)) working with Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Now with the support from Joshua Tarrant Trust following the closure of Camille’s Appeal, they fund this pioneering rehabilitation service in the East of England for children with brain tumours.

Brainbow is not a registered charity in its own right. That is why ACT has offered to take responsibility for providing support, advice and guidance to anyone wishing to make a personal donation or undertake fundraising activities for the future enhancement of the Brainbow service.

How to donate

Under "Give a single gift" and "Choose where you would like your donation to go", please make sure not to tick box number 1 and please do add Brainbow to "2. Other". Visit the ACT website (opens in a new tab).

Brainbow logo Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust logo
Brainbow logo Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust logo
Anna's Hope logo Camille's Appeal logo
Anna's Hope logo Camille's Appeal logo
Joshua Tarrant Trust logo Tom's Trust logo
Joshua Tarrant Trust logo Tom's Trust logo