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You Made a Difference - September 2019

A radiographer who illustrated leaflets to improve the experience of our young patients and an exceptional nurse who cares for oncology and haematology patients are the winners of September’s You Made a Difference awards.

Suzanne Isaacs, has worked at Cambridge University Hospitals for 10 years. She graduated as an advanced practitioner in lithotripsy and started as an advanced practitioner in 2016. 

At the start of 2019 general x-ray set up a paediatric imaging group to help improve the experience of our young patients.

Suzanne, who prior to training as a radiographer was an illustrator, joined the team and has gone on to illustrate information leaflets, posters and certificates specifically for paediatric patients undergoing x-rays.

The leaflets are in the process of going through our active reading panel but feedback so far has been very positive. 

This is reflected in the winning nomination, extracts of which told us:

“Suzanne has recently used her skills from her previous profession as an illustrator to help produce leaflets, posters and bravery certificates for paediatric patients attending the imaging department.

The leaflets help to prepare children for their visit and improve their overall experience by offering a visual explanation of procedures and what to expect.

Suzanne used her own time and resources to design characters and a theme which will be continued into various areas of imaging in future patient information leaflets. The aim will be to extend this theme by introducing the characters in the waiting areas and corridors of not only the x-ray department but also the paediatric outpatient clinics.”

The imaging department is extremely grateful for Suzanne's commitment to improving the service for children.

Suzanne Issacs holding her you made a difference certificate Nicola Voyle speaking with a colleague
Suzanne Issacs holding her you made a difference certificate
Suzanne Issacs
Nicola Voyle speaking with a colleague
Nicola Voyle

Staff nurse Nikki Voyle delivers daily care to a group of acutely unwell oncology and haematology patients on ward D9, where she started working in April 2018.

The patients Nikki looks after can have very complex physical, emotional and social needs. However, she always has time to listen and respond with empathy and kindness which is reflected in the feedback from patients. She also demonstrates calmness and confidence in managing a large complex work load.

Alongside her work, Nikki also volunteered for and has been active in her tissue viability link role; has completed the mentorship course and is now mentoring student nurses; has recently begun to act as nurse in charge on ward D9 and is working towards her SACT competency for which she is due to complete an oncology module at the Royal Marsden Hospital in the future.

This is reflected in the winning nominations; extracts of which told us:

“Over the past few months, we have received numerous pieces of feedback regarding Nikki, from patients, relatives, colleagues in the multi-disciplinary team and via the friends and family test surveys. The feedback backs up what we know - that Nikki is an exceptional nurse who truly views every patient as an individual.

“Nikki is compassionate, empathetic, calm and efficient as well as being an excellent nurse. Nikki always goes the extra mile for her patients, trying to find solutions to problems, acting as their advocate, finding little ways to make them more comfortable and provides support to their families at the time of greatest need.

Recent feedback includes: "she went above and beyond and couldn’t have done any more"

Nikki is absolutely outstanding in every way. She is totally professional but still manages to show complete empathy and concern.

“Nikki is also an excellent colleague - she is calm, funny, generous and supportive and it is always a better day when Nikki is at work. Nikki lives the CUH values Safe, Kind, Excellent, no matter what the circumstances and challenges and I would like her to be recognised for this.”