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Our commitment to safety

Across CUH, we are shocked and saddened at the appalling crimes committed by Lucy Letby.

They were a terrible betrayal of the trust placed in her, and our thoughts are with all the families affected, who have suffered pain and anguish that few of us can imagine.

Her actions are beyond belief for staff working so hard across the NHS to save lives and care for patients and their families. None of us can understand how a healthcare professional could deliberately hurt a patient in their care.

While there is no connection between this case and CUH, we want to assure you that the care and safety of all our patients is our highest priority.

We will be reflecting on what actions we need to take to prevent anything like this happening again, and will act swiftly on learnings and recommendations that come out of the public inquiry.

We continue to encourage everyone to speak up if you are concerned or worried about anything here at CUH.

As a member of staff, this might be to your line manager, a trusted leader or our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian. Details are on our intranet.

As a patient, if you have any concerns about your care or treatment, of that of a loved one in our care, please speak to the doctors or nurses in charge of the unit.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

If you feel unable to do this for any reason then you can also contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service.