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Non-emergency surgery and outpatient appointments at our hospitals

Following a continuing rise in the number of seriously unwell Covid-19 patients being admitted to our hospitals, we have taken the difficult decision to reschedule non-emergency surgery and some outpatient appointments.

All emergency treatment and care for other life-threatening conditions will continue to be provided.

Unless you have a medical appointment or need to attend the Emergency Department, please do not come to the hospital site. 

Patients who are affected by this decision will be contacted and supported at this difficult time.

This is an extremely difficult decision and has not been taken lightly. We know that many patients may be distressed and upset, and for this we can only apologise. However, we must ensure that all those needing urgent care are able to access treatment safely.

In outpatients, we have taken the decision to offer virtual and telephone appointments as the default and some face-to-face appointments will be rescheduled. 

Our visiting arrangements are reviewed regularly and current arrangements are here.