Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) has launched an environmentally friendly patient courtesy bus service, thanks to a team effort by its charity, Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT), and a well-known patient governor.

CUH, ACT and Ruth Greene have teamed up to provide two fully electric buses that run from a new seated shelter at the hospital bus station near the Hills Road entrance, replacing the existing single diesel bus service.
The buses provide a cleaner, greener, more accessible, and more frequent service for passengers travelling around the site and once built, will stop at the new children’s and cancer hospitals and campus train station.
The electric buses are named the Green-e Get Around in tribute to Ruth who has provided funding for one of the buses. Ruth has always been a loyal and hard-working supporter of the Trust for many years, despite having cancer, and wanted to fund a patient courtesy bus to help patients get around the expanding campus more easily.

Ruth said:
Getting around the hospital can be a real challenge, especially for those with limited mobility like me. The new bus service helps overcome that challenge and the fact it has now been extended and has an additional stop at the main bus terminal, will be greatly welcomed by everyone.
Ruth Greene
Ruth has been a patient governor since July 2016 and was recently re-elected for a third term. Ruth is also on the Cancer Patient Partnership Committee and the Patient Experience Committee as well as being involved with the design of the new Cancer Hospital. She supports various other committees, focus groups and events.

ACT chief executive, Shelly Thake, said:
We are delighted to be part of a team effort that has not only helped to provide a bus service that is even better for patients, visitors and staff, but is also kinder to the planet too.
Shelly Thake

CUH chairman, Dr Mike More, added
We want to thank Ruth and ACT for so generously joining us to improve a transport service that is so valued by so many and will go on to serve many more people in the future.
Mike More
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