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EU exit - End of transition period

Cambridge University Hospitals is continuing to prepare for the end of the EU exit transition period on 31 December 2020.

Our key priority is to ensure the continued delivery of safe patient care.

The Department of Health and Social Care is leading national NHS preparations and we are working closely with our local and regional health and care providers to ensure that we minimise any potential disruption to services.

We are not planning to cancel any appointments at Addenbrooke’s, The Rosie or the other sites from which we operate due to EU Exit.  Please continue to attend your hospital appointments as normal.  In the event that this changes, we will contact patients directly. 

National plans are in place for suppliers to hold increased stocks of medicines and vaccines and to enable transport routes into the UK. 

Please continue to keep ordering repeat prescriptions and taking your medicines as normal.  It is very important that you don’t order more medicines than normal – doing so could mean that other people won’t be able to get their medicines. Further information is available on the NHS website (opens in a new tab).

National and local plans are also in place to minimise potential disruption to supplies of the many clinical and other products on which the NHS relies.  We will continue to monitor and review the position carefully.

The Government and the NHS are working with organisations running clinical trials to ensure that these go ahead as planned.  We are continuing to recruit patients to clinical trials and there is no indication at present of concerns about continuity of supply of trial products.  

As always at this time of the year, if you are eligible for the flu vaccination on the NHS, please arrange this as soon as possible with your GP surgery or a local pharmacy which offers the service.   

If you have any concerns about your treatment, please speak to the member of staff responsible for your care.

More information about EU Exit can be found here. (opens in a new tab)