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Black Lives Matter

Last week (Friday 5 June) chief executive Roland Sinker shared a message with our staff on Black Lives Matter and we want to share his words with you:

Black lives matter

The death of George Floyd in the US was a horrible incident that impacts all of us. The aftermath across the US and around the world show us that there is growing anger at the injustice of racism. 

We are a multi-racial workforce with backgrounds that embrace more than 100 nationalities and many black people work for CUH, sharing in our mission to work together and save lives. 

The CUH family stands against racism and structural discrimination in all its forms. Black Lives Matter is as much about the systems that support and propagate structural discrimination as it is about specific acts of racism. To speak directly to our black staff and our whole BAME network and colleagues; please know that you matter, you are valued and you are part of the CUH family. We have much more to do to tackle the underlying causes of structural inequality and the lack of diversity at the most senior levels of this organisation.