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Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery (My Planned Care)

Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery is a branch of medicine dealing with the structure and diseases of the oesophagus (gullet), stomach, and gallbladder.

You may be required to have diagnostic tests in order to diagnose your condition and you may require surgery to treat your condition.

The team who will look after you consists of consultant surgeons and junior doctors in training, specialist nurses, dieticians and physiotherapists. You may see just one or all of them depending on your condition.

Guidance for patients

A useful source of information and Guidance for patients can be found through the Oesophageal patient’s association.

What should I do if my health is deteriorating?

If you are waiting for your first outpatient’s appointment, please speak to your GP who can contact us and alert us to bring forward your appointment.

If you are an existing patient, please contact your consultant’s secretary or your specialist nurse.

Contact Us

Medical Secretaries to:

Mr Richard Hardwick, Mr Peter Safranek and Mr Stavros Gourgiotis - 01223 217421.

Mr John Bennett, Mr Andrew Hindmarsh, Mr Robert O'Neill and Mr Vijayendran Sujendran 01223 348024.

Specialist Upper GI Nurses: 01223 596383.

Admission Co-ordinator: 01223 274347/01223 586982.

Upper GI Dietitian: 01223 216655.

Reviewed: 26 June 2023