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Neurology (My Planned Care)

Neurology is a medical specialty that deals with disorders of the nervous system.

This can include problems with the brain, the spinal cord, the nerves that supply the limbs and muscles. A neurologist will therefore listen to a person’s symptoms to determine whether it could reflect a problem with the nervous system, and might then proceed to perform a physical examination or arrange further tests as appropriate to make a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been made, the neurologist will discuss options for management.

Guidance for patients

Neurologists assess a wide variety of symptoms.

If your doctor has requested advice regarding headaches, then useful information for patients regarding the management of headaches can be found at The Migraine Trust (opens in a new tab) and via the Headache Management System (opens in a new tab)

What should I do if my health is deteriorating?

If you are concerned that your symptoms are changing unexpectedly or rapidly, you should seek medical advice from your doctor who might wish to reassess you.

Contact us

If you feel that your health is deteriorating, you should seek medical attention.

If you are waiting to be reviewed by a neurologist and have a query regarding the appointment, then the Appointments team can be contacted by calling 01223 217346. If you have concerns that your condition is changing unexpectedly, then you should discuss this with your doctor/GP in the first instance.

If you are already known to a neurology service, then the relevant contact details can be found on the correspondence you will already have received that can be used for non-emergency queries.

However, if you feel that your deterioration is an emergency, then urgent care can be accessed via NHS 111, your local Accident and Emergency department or walk in centre.

Reviewed: 26 June 2023