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Coronary care unit (CCU) - Ward K3

Wards A-Z

The coronary care unit is a 10 bed ward located on ward K3.

Current visiting policy

Restricted visiting will be permitted on most wards and areas such as our Emergency Department. Please follow our guidance to find our more information as some areas do still have restrictions.

Read our visiting policy

Finding us

This multidisciplinary team (MDT) work towards improving patient care and experience. We aim to use all our expertise to ensure you have care that is together: safe, kind and excellent.

Ward K3 is a 21 bedded ward dedicated to cardiology. Patients come to ward K3 from a number of different routes:

  • Admitted as an emergency via accident and emergency (A&E).
  • Referred from cardiology outpatients.
  • From other wards in the hospital including CCU, ward K2 (invasive cardiac services) and the general medical wards.

CUH Directions mobile app

The CUH Directions mobile app is for patients and visitors.

It helps you to find your way around Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals, making it easier to locate clinics, wards and other facilities on our campus.

CUH Directions – mobile app

On your arrival

On arrival you will be met by a nurse, who will settle you into your bed. You may need to have your observations taken, have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and be attached to a cardiac monitor. Your personal belongings will be stored in your bedside locker and you can have access to the portable phone in the ward or the iPad to make contact with your relatives once you have been settled in your bed area.


If you would like to find out ‘who’s who’ on the ward, please see the ward notice board. It contains the names and pictures of the staff on the ward.

Visiting hours

Visiting is between 11:00- 20:00 every day. You are allowed 2 visitors at the bedside at any one time. When you have visitors, please be considerate of other patients, who may be feeling very unwell; a lot of noise or commotion may prevent them from resting. Children may visit at the discretion of the nurse in charge and must be strictly supervised by a parent or guardian.

If you wish to purchase flowers, we advise you to purchase them in a self contained container, as the ward does not supply vases. This is in order to comply with health and safety guideline.

To help us prevent the spread of any infections, please ask visitors to use the hand rub or wash their hands at the entrance to the ward on arrival and on leaving. Visitors are invited to wear a surgical mask for the duration of their stay when visiting the hospital.

Food and drink

Meal times

Breakfast: 08:00am

Lunch: 12:15pm

Dinner: 17:00pm

Ask a member of staff if you miss a meal and one could be ordered for you from a set menu.

Food and drink can be brought in. We have limited space if food needs to be refrigerated. Reheating of meals brought in from home is discouraged.

Tea rounds occur at 08:00, 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 21:00 hours (these are all approximate times and could change due to workload).


Please keep your belongings to a minimum and store them in your bedside locker. Valuables are not to be brought into hospital where possible and if brought in remains your responsibility for keeping them safe.

For your own health and safety, please let a member of the ward staff know if you leave the ward at any time.

Ward facilities

  • There are male and female showers on the ward in each bay and side rooms.
  • Visitors are discouraged from using patient toilets. There are public toilets by the lifts should they be needed.
  • There is a visitor’s room which can be used by patients and visitors.
  • Post will be distributed by the ward clerk or a member of staff. If you have been transferred to another ward or discharged your post will be forwarded to you.
  • The Hospedia bedside entertainment service is available for use at each bedside. Please use the telephone to connect to customer services who will talk you through their options for payment.

Drug and doctor's rounds

  • Please try not to interrupt the nursing staff while they are doing the 'drug round' or checking medicines.
  • You should be seen by a member of your medical team on a daily basis, if this does not happen the nurse in charge will contact them.
  • Please note you may not see your consultant everyday.

Privacy and dignity

Same sex bays and bathrooms are offered in all wards except in the coronary care unit (CCU) where the use of high-tech equipment and / or specialist one to one care is required.


Please let us know what accessibility needs you may have. If you have a learning disability, we encourage the use of patient passports and will work with you and your family / carer to ensure you get the best from our services. You will also have access to our specialist learning disability nurse during your stay.

If you have any language communication needs such as BSL, an interpreter will be provided if needed to ensure your needs / preferences are understood. In the case of English not being your first language the interpreter service can also be provided.

Who to contact for further advice / questions

Please contact K3 on 01223 256313 or CCU on 01223 217297 for any advice or queries.

  • Please call after 08:00 hours, the changeover of nursing staff will be complete by this time.
  • To discuss care issues, please contact the senior sister.