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Liver (Cambridge Liver Unit)

Our services A-Z

The Cambridge Liver Unit covers management of all aspects of liver disease and liver transplantation. We provide care for our local population and specialist care / liver transplant services for the people of East Anglia, Nottingham University Hospital and Southampton University Hospital.

Urgent advice: Covid-19 - Liver

Please visit the British Liver Trust website for our latest advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19), which includes all our frequently asked questions about the disease for people affected by a liver condition (including those who have had a liver transplant).

For additional information please visit the Eastern Liver Network website.

Outpatient clinics are usually held in either Clinic 1a or Clinic 12. The inpatient wards are D5 (Liver Unit) and F5 / G5 (Transplant Unit).

Service provided for patients

  • Liver transplantation
  • Inpatient and outpatient hepatology / liver disease services
  • Alcohol-related liver disease
  • Non-alcohol related fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Liver cancer
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Chronic liver failure
  • Portal hypertension
  • Inherited liver disease
  • Autoimmune liver diseases (primary biliary cholangitis [PBC], primary sclerosing cholangitis [PSC] and autoimmune hepatitis [AIH])

Further information

For further information on Hepatitis C, please see the British Liver Trust (opens in a new tab) website.

Hepatology patient experience group

The purpose of the Hepatology Patient Experience Group (HPEG) is to ensure that Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) NHS Foundations Trust’s hepatology department takes account of the views, opinions, and experiences of the patients and carers who use their services.

Feedback from hepatology patients will help us improve our services and better meet the needs of the local community.

Whether your experience has been a little or a lot, we invite you to join us. Please email our patient experience group for further information.

Our team

Specialist nurses

Hepatology specialist nurses


Helpful links

Key Staff