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Dyspepsia and other upper gastrointestinal disorders

Our services A-Z

Dr Ines Modolell and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) lead Ben Smith work closely with a team that organises fast-track investigation of patients meeting the two-week wait criteria and appropriate management for non-fast-track patients.

Our Dyspepsia Service is Nurse-led by two Clinical Nurse Specialists, Marianna Bellou and Catherine Hill.

Clinical Nurse Specialists, Marianna Bellou and Catherine Hill standing in front of a piece of art work in the hospital, under a directions sign
Dyspepsia Clinical Nurse Specialist Team

We offer expertise in the diagnosis and management of peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux, dysphagia, gastric malignancy, biliary pain, drug induced dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori infection.

Our dyspepsia service includes:

  • the rapid access service (fast track) for suspected upper gastrointestinal (UGI) cancers, including the investigations and treatment
  • close liaison with the UGI multi-disciplinary team, including the surgeons
  • patient support and lifestyle advice, supplemented with relevant information leaflets for conditions such as reflux, non-ulcer dyspepsia and weight control
  • urea breath test service following the eradication therapy of helicobacter pylori infection