CUH is a respected, renowned and integral part of our daily lives. I chose to become a governor to actively support the hospitals in continuing to make a positive impact for the community it serves.
I was elected as a Public Governor in July 2017 and became Deputy Lead Governor in 2021 and was subsequently re-elected to the Public Governor role in 2023.
The role of a Governor is voluntary, with no specific experiences or skills required, but a genuine interest and dedication to contribute to improving CUH as a local hospital. It involves advocating for the well-being of every individual who relies on the hospitals’ services.
We are elected to this position from the respective constituencies of patient, public or staff.
Governors are active members of the hospitals community, representing the community’s views to the board of directors. Our responsibilities include addressing a myriad of concerns, both major and minor, ranging from financial matters and capacity issues to patient safety, mental health, parking and the impact of staff strikes.
One of the integral aspects of our role is to participate in the hospitals decision-making processes. We attend Board committees to gain insights into the issues senior managers are focusing on and providing, providing valuable input from the community's perspective. Additionally, Governors hold the responsibility of appointing the Non-Executive Directors (NED) and contribute to their annual appraisals.
Governors are also offered the opportunity to participate in the hospitals engagement work. I have been involved in the Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) activities - assessing wards for refurbishment and health hazards, engaging in the 15 Steps -experiencing a ward through the eyes of a patient, and supporting families through interactions with Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS). These experiences have provided me with a holistic understanding of the hospitals’ operations and its complexity, as well as an appreciation for the profound dedication of the staff who work tirelessly to care for us.
The opportunity to serve as a Public Governor has been a humbling experience, and I am continually inspired by the dedication of those who share the goals of making a positive difference.
I encourage all community members who share our vision and commitment to apply as a Governor.
If you would like more information about the governor role and elections, please email the CUH foundation office.