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Our Action 50 Green Plan

Our vision is to demonstrate, through action, our leadership locally, regionally and nationally in the delivery of sustainable healthcare across the community.

The science is clear: we are living in the midst of a human-made climate emergency.

Roland Sinker, Chief Executive
Roland Sinker
Roland Sinker, Chief Executive

The transition to a net-zero/zero-waste circular economy

As the owner and operator of one of the largest acute teaching hospital campuses in the country, CUH will need to play a significant part in delivering against the NHS Net-Zero commitment.

This is not new territory for CUH, we have been working to make our services more environmentally sustainable for many years. Our sustainability progress to date has been productive.

Outline of the progress made so far, including 25% of staff cycling to work and 2,700 tCO2e reduction from energy projects since 2010
Stats: 4 in 10 people drive to campus, 2,000+ bike parking spaces, 25% of staff cycle to work, 2,700 tCO2e reduction from 2010, 36% reduction in direct emissions since 2014, LOW emissions car club, bio-digestion for catering waste, 10,000 light fittings and all street lights LED, 60 buses an hour in and around the site, 15% heating recovered from waste incineration, 24 recycling streams for approx 30% of all waste, Central boiler upgrades, 33 teams participating in Think Green Impact, 100 kWp+ solar PV panels.

In the context of total consumption, we know that we have only made our business-as-usual marginally more environmentally sustainable, efficient and cost-effective. This is not sufficient if we are to play our role as a genuinely responsible consumer in avoiding climate chaos.

Our transition into a circular economy way of working will not undermine the quality of the Trust’s safe, kind and excellent healthcare. Rather, it responsibly redefines what productivity means in a restorative and resilient manner through a reframing approach to what and how we consume.

Our Action 50 Green Plan (Phase 1: 2022-24) has three core objectives, to:

  • enact a rapid 10% reduction in direct carbon emissions by design by the end of 2024 (from a 2019/20 baseline);
  • establish a deeper set of medium-term actions that will provide the springboard to achieving the delivery of a 50% cut in all emissions by 2032 (and provide a firm foundation for longer-term decarbonisation to net-zero by 2045);
  • embed a comprehensive climate emergency engagement structure across the organisation.

To achieve these objectives, the Green Plan lays out 50 distinct actions - across three strategic themes - that will be completed in the first opening period of a ten-year programme.

Strategic Theme No.1: Reducing Emissions
  • Building Services
  • Travel and Transport
  • Clinical Practice
Strategic Theme No.2: Saving Resources
  • Reuse – Repair – Recycle
  • Purchased Items
  • Avoided Emissions
Strategic Theme No.3: Working Together
  • Engagement
  • Leadership and Accountability
  • Locked-in and offset emissions

For a high-level overview of the actions under each theme and activity area please refer to Our Action 50 Green Plan Executive Overview below.

The complete prioritised listing (and individual delivery summaries) for all 50 actions can be found in part 4 of the full executive plan document below.

Our Action 50 is a plan that needs the support of the whole CUH family! To find out how you can get involved and join our network of green champions, email CUH's think green scheme.

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ambulance outside Addenbrooke's with text climate emergency